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About EMilika

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    <3 Emilika the Headmistress with VRB Huntress Macro <3

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  1. you Insult removed. - Azukii are the reason, the game is in this situation.
  2. yup i'm a master of trash talking a lil bit of cism
  3. Just remove bronze, and leave "T trainee" and then Silver Gold . period. New players wil play only with new players lets say till level 30 Silver and gold can't join them.
  4. Nothing you can do>> to other games too... you know.
  5. the only ban i will get is because i rage in chat Fuqkers runs with medusa and not even aiming and lands all hits on me. and im not even that bad... geez such times comes
  6. i do, 150+ terrible... its like lag virtual lag, a delay. ugh
  7. hahaha working on hoodie for hours how much do you get paid ?
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