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Everything posted by Sadira

  1. Every and now and then I get APB dreams. Usually playing Fight Club or something. Sometimes I can see district chat.
  2. Great post. Really appreciate the hard work from the team.
  3. It's ok, I bought the school girl pack like 239432942309 times only for the dang legwarmers to get debundled too.
  4. Hope you can get your stuff back! Your symbols are amazing.
  5. Ahhhh looking so forward to this. Can't wait to be in it with all my friendos!
  6. Ah yes let's bring back the anticheat that was banning literally anyone, even those that weren't cheating. 10/10 idea
  7. If I remember correctly, Innova did not have any of the HVR changes that G1 had done before LO took over. Not sure if it's been changed since LO's takeover though, or what. Edit: Wasn't there Armas explosives as well?
  8. When a bronze district player dethreater gets mad at golds being in silver....
  9. Pretty sure they already said that it is not possible to connect PC accounts to console and vice versa.
  10. There was a wee bit of lag for a couple of minutes in Jericho last night while I was in Baylan.
  11. OH NO NOT AGAIN srsly tho he's probably up to his same usual old antics and is probably trying to hide it, smh.
  12. Afraid that's not the case. KTTC owner here and do not have any of the Halloween symbols. Nothing in the mail either. No rush on this, of course.
  13. Sadira

    what if pt3

    Only if the nails touch.
  14. Sadira

    what if pt3

    Wish I could touch my toes.
  15. schlepstein, vintmint, esgobar, boofu, prayers, swindle, arwo, pogo a lot of names mentioned by other people here are amazing as well
  16. Why would you believe an obvious blatant lie?
  17. Nice to see recognized names to be part of it. Grats!
  18. obligatory hi im sadira post Also finally I will be here this time for the next photo! Still sad I missed out on the last one.
  19. Sorry mate, but you can't expect your potato to run the same thing for years and years forever with no problem. And a game company shouldn't build around trying to accommodate for terrible PCs, it just doesn't work like that with any game. That's like me expecting to still be able to run WoW on my very first computer because I could do it before. I most certainly wouldn't be able to run it now. Technology advances. Yea, it sucks that you can't really afford a new PC, but it is how it is.
  20. Sadira

    Smash Bros.

    Who you guys maining? Peach/Daisy and Yoshi myself!
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