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Everything posted by SelttikS

  1. Good thing it is not Up for a vote, cause its not for you to decide. Notice the sticky Post that says this thread will get deleted?
  2. Because if you cut a foot long ruler down enough eventually it looks like everything is a mile long. That is what previous management did, they screwed around with settings and didn't pay for updates to FF for years and that made it a horrible tool for seeing the truth. If you cover your windows with crap, all you will see is crap.
  3. You KNOW nothing and as has been stated they would rather let the guilty free than punish the innocent. So per Supports own statement "No" is your answer. Get over it, it doesn't hurt you in anyway for them to keep their stats. It may effect the in game economy some that they get to profit off cheats but that is not your choice to make now is it?
  4. We should remove all recoil from LMG as well. Also they need to do like 850 damage per bullet and need the rate of fire of a pmg. Also they need to add like 200% movement speed and give like Kevlar 37 so you don't get killed so easily while you roflstomp people. Because a spray and pray weapon should be able to do all the things at all the ranges! Maybe its called balance. Just an idea.
  5. I do not think that GMs should have any in game actions they can do regarding bans. After all bans are what we are trying to avoid here. The game already has penalties for being afk, or just for playing like crap. I agree though that first it is rare that i have seen someone i was pretty sure was cheating. Oddly seeing someone on my team cheat makes me play worse, guess it's sort of a moral debuf of sorts. Same as when matchmaking decides that two silver/gold vs a T is a good match. Some reason my heart just isn't in it. Stomping people for no reason but to make their day shittier is NOT my idea of a fun match. And playing for FUN is the reason for the game right? Team killing isn't a bannable thing, if so everyone would be banned. Game has mechanics to deal with excessive team killing so there is no reason for a ban to be even a thought. Afk for one match isn't a bannable thing. Again there are mechanics in game to deal with that. One thing though, make sure you are right before you accuse someone of cheating. Don't be Ray, or Mike, or well the list goes on. Also stop assuming things about FF being set to manual or FF being turned off ect ect. Listen to what was actually said not what you want to hear, It is a skill for life that yall kids need to learn.
  6. Is Fried chicken racist? Chickens are enslaved by humanity. Egyptians invented fried foods and they owned slaves. Crap Fried Chicken is racist! Here is the easiest way to solve all this. Is this Illegal in a country that APB sells products to? If not then who cares at this point unless someone is TRYING to be a jackhole with it.
  7. That USA flag that no one seems to care about was the same flag flown at the internment camps the USA setup for its citizens 76 years ago. So why doesn't everyone on their hate wagon for the Confederate flag jump on the BANdwagon for the USA flag as well? Prison camps if you will, you know like the Nazi had because people that didn't look like them were viewed as being unworthy of basic rights? That was the USA flag and that was a lot more recent in history yet people want to forget that little war crime.
  8. I like to imagine that every time someone complains about not getting a reply back, that they move them to the back of the line. It makes me smile just a little bit.
  9. I know its really hard for socially awkward internet peoples to just ask someone something so I went ahead and did it for you and yeah Tron Legacy stuff that "Glows" is the answer.
  10. Obviously need a ... hood added as well, because that's not a symbol either and who doesn't want to RP as a racist shit bag!
  11. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle regarding cheating. The long weekend did seem to host more than normal for sure but then again we had more people on as well. Also the more closeted cheaters will take awhile to get removed. Honestly there are several players that rage quit in the middle of missions after one death, that they walked for some reason, and then spend the rest of the match hiding somewhere on the other side of the map raging into district about how everyone hacks... That's not you right? Cause those people are the ones that REALLY need a ban hammering.
  12. So op wants to remove the thing that makes legendary weapons legendary so that they can customize them a little bit more? By that logic why have a legendary? Legendary weapons are guns with some uniqueness, sorta, to them that makes them different. Out side of that they are a form of commodity stock that can be traded for at a somewhat constant value.
  13. Servers feel like they were downgraded to handle the bare min that we had playing before the LO changeover and now those old 386s cant handle the load anymore. Honestly for most the weekend it didn't feel worth playing with the amount of server lag going on.
  14. Ban the USA flag. The united states have committed numerous War Crimes during its short history.
  15. So a FFA like what we have only we no real point to it. FFA was a failure and IS still a failure. Segregate the population more and more because that has been a successful option in the past. Best option is a handicap for higher skilled players. Of course all this assumes making Threat less fluid and more of a longer term assessment of ones skills.
  16. As soon as it is illegal in Alabama to be a member of the KKK, Sure why not.
  17. car physics are part of what makes me lol in game a lot.
  18. Better than the Q&A we had with the previous G1 CEO... Oh that's right we didn't get one, so that makes this the best one ever. Even with the potty break, without washing hands....
  19. That would be my understanding of it. Or you know name and shame links to your youtube videos, that sort of thing. Also for what it is worth, glad you got your accounts back... good luck with all of them!
  20. Was always against the rules and the CEO said just a few hours ago that it was as well.
  21. Maybe we need a more detailed list of what is allowed and what is bannable at this point, In game that is. Teamspeak, Overwolf, mumble ect what is allowed basically. I know per Steam and battle eye what they rule but this is a new ruler we are addressing after all. Is taking a trash truck around town being an idiot ok? More clarity on what level of nudity is ok vs not. Above the waist fine? or should we all get full body suits just in case? What about the issue of having people continually spam accusations of cheating? Per the forum rules that seems to be a form of harassment.
  22. Nah, if g1 didn't kill it nothing will.
  23. There are many laws they are pushing around regarding Gambling for real world money. Some are straight up No gambling, but some are more relaxed where you just have to have the odds of each outcome listed. The way they adjust to this will most likely not effect what you already own, since the laws are not retroactive. You will also note that he did speak of addressing the few unbalanced issue with some items. There has been the idea of having all items purchasable with in game currency for awhile and that is what I believe will happen to some degree. So basically No Obama is not coming to take yer guns away.
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