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Everything posted by SelttikS

  1. Roaches scurry from the cracks as the bombs as set to exterminate their colonies. Basically people that are gonna use hack are doing it as much as they can before it becomes somewhat harder to get away with. Funny is that they will get to keep all the ill gotten gains if they actually stop before BE catches them, or i guess if they send it all to other accounts... Eh whatever, I guess LO made its choices on what is fine and what is not.
  2. Name and shame is alive and well in District chat! Just ask Mike! Punkbuster was always crap, closer to Malware than anything. Heck I bet half of you have it running still and don't know it. Fairfight CAN be good, just not when its out of date by YEARS and been reconfigured all to hell. Battleye is pretty good though, not perfect but still better! Would rather have "pretty good" over what we have had for the past decade.
  3. Mouse fix is cheating obviously cause you have to alter the game files. Actually changing any of the keybinds or settings in game is cheating as well. Why can't you just play the game as it is supposed to be played hu? *edit Gonna leave this #sarcasm tag down here just in case someone missed it....
  4. False, when you practice enough you know where the center is via reflex. Next excuse for why you die to someone with a dot on their screen more than other people?
  5. SelttikS


    Welcome back threads are welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about... welcome back
  6. A quality mouse gives an advantage, why is that ok? Playing on a newer PC over one from 2011 gives an advantage, I know my comp back then played for crap compared to now. These Quality of life things do not alter how the game plays, they don't aim for you or give you wall hacks, they are not in any way changing recoil or spread. Why is there an issue with these, Do people just want something to argue over? If you are not arguing over good mice and keyboards being banned then you really are just arguing to be arguing. Just so you know, yet again, there are Monitors that already give a cross hair overlay. There is also this thing called Tape, magical thing that sticks to stuff and you can write on it even.
  7. Yeah Battle Eye themselves stated that Mumble was fine, so there goes that slippery slope idea. No need to have a gaming mouse, we should also ban all those cause you don't NEED one. 2 button mouse from 1998 is all you need, also that HD monitor is not needed so yeah ban for having a resolution over 400x600. None of this interferes or interacts with the game so banning someone cause of it is just lazy.
  8. An overlay from something like Mumble does not touch the game files in anyway. There are many monitors on the market that have this overlay feature built in. The logic of banning such is not far from saying we should ban gaming mice or keyboards cause they give an unfair advantage. It doesn't touch the game files, doesn't counter recoil like some scripts do, doesn't act like a trigger bot. How is giving someone a better point to focus on a big deal.
  9. Engine is like 20 years old and people wonder why its so hackable? That is why an engine update is so important.
  10. Think it is more akin to knowing that you are going to poison bomb an area so you care less about killing individual bugs. But with the influx players the pests are definitely crawling out from under their rocks and making it not so awesome in the mean time. Gotta sell or transfer all your stuff to a legit account before BE after all. Wont be as easy to farm with battle eye after all.
  11. Are you calling voting in your poll as toxic? Not seeing a lot of anything toxic reply wise. No one cares about you being upset or not about being in the minority on any given opinion. Worst reply i saw was the Huge Overwatch video junk that was pasted into the middle of it for no reason.
  12. "No, crouchspamming is not a problem and you need to get better at the game." Well seems you answered your own question and the community voted you correct! Might need to slow the crouch/rise speed a bit to be more real but honestly it is not a problem.
  13. Always believed that anyone who seeks out power should not be allowed to have it. I see this little event, that may or may not have happened, at a LO staff meeting right before they took over where someone says the line "How bad could it be?"
  14. SelttikS

    RIP Waterfront

    Seems to happen around the same time lately.
  15. Recall that that code is actually worded as "Dissemination of Means of Propaganda" so basically even if it is not intended as propaganda is could still be used as such and are thus covered. The sub section 3 regards use of said means as far as "Art" goes Could be a fair argument honestly, however would need to show that the intent is more along the lines to promote the art or to educate in a somewhat historic manner, but is definitely a good starting argument for it. Look at this forum getting all lawyerish up in here, I am so proud.
  16. Then google it? Far as the current topic I believe there several of the Nazi era symbols that are ban from common use in german under the criminal code section 86. The degree to which they are enforced vary of course but i do recall that upwards of 3 years in jail are included as punishment. If you are actually interesting, and not just wanting to try and prove your point by lack of proof being proof, I am sure you can research this yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you. Here I can help a little with the first steps cause i like to help The collective Knowledge of the world
  17. Please lets not get into the "This thread is locked" chain of discussion
  18. That would get abused though. Come on we all know the APB community will do its best to abuse anything given to it. The only solution is to wait. Do what you will in match and if someone brings charges against you I am sure LO support will be more then helpful and understanding.
  19. I get the reading that LO is starting to see more fully the Muck that they walked into. Good Luck, Stay calm, and may God have mercy on you all. Also stay with us, you're our last hope!
  20. I do not disagree with the idea of removing the Symbols that are part of a hate group making the uniform ok... well ok ish i guess. But Op has included several symbols that are from said hate group and that are illegal still. Outside of that, sure wear a Black Jacket all you want. Think this comes down to people wanting to decide where the hate group uniform they want to wear is ok enough for them to wear in public. How much of an out lash do you think would happen if they put in KKK hoods in game?
  21. While both crimes are treated differently due to Current legal code, I do feel that both Cheating in a game and credit card fraud are basically the same mentality. Both have to think out and plan the commit the act, and in their minds they fail to see that they are hurting anyone or they in someway feel justified in the act. Or that someone Made them do it. I blame the parents. From now on all bans that want an appeal should have to have their parents make an Video essay on why they failed to parent their child correctly.
  22. But if that uniform was only used by a blatantly racist group doesn't that make it racist? Wearing the uniform of a group is showing support or belonging to that group, So yeah that makes it pretty racist. Also that SS uniform was deemed illegal in Germany as well, so yeah there you go.
  23. You have what data that the CEO who owns the game doesn't have access to? Oh wait that's right you KNOW nothing. Lets delete your stats and everything on your account then just to be safe, sound ok with you? And again NOT your Choice. You have zero say and should never have a say in any authority role. Let me guess you play ENF? Well we now fully see that you care nothing for the game or its community so yeah just go away with your hate.
  24. False the SS "Schutzstaffel" Uniform very much represents something. By your Logic that KKK hood doesn't represent anything either. And yes I can deny them having any style and it is only certain types of "people" that like them. Because they just look like Racist Nazi members. Maybe people should do more than a google Image search when researching what they decide to wear and toss around in peoples faces.
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