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Everything posted by SelttikS

  1. I would never install punkbuster, that is pure malware garbage right there.
  2. If the need for DT was ever fixed maybe that would solve most the issue. Just punishing people for DTing does nothing but crap on an already abused player base. Not me, i suck too much to need to DT. Just that you don't see a lot of people doing the same in other games.
  3. I demand ram raiding for my enforcers as well. With no ability to be witnessed cause you know cops are always right. Seems fair. So much truth to this.
  4. They underestimated a lot in regard to APB and its community, last night reconfirms that highly.
  5. Yep always good to see someone who profits from cheating running around gloating about it.
  6. Cheaters are customers that drive other customers away. The crazy guy at the restaurant screaming and assaulting customers is also a customer, but that doesn't mean he is one you want to keep. If he is allowed to stay, people will leave and not buy from you anymore. They will tell their friends and then the Company loses those people as potential customers as well. So you lose one asshat customer or you lose 37 decent customers.
  7. The tax really isn't just a cash sink, it also keeps the real cash market down somewhat as well.
  8. Just for giggles and shits I will leave this little piece of data here..
  9. Good thing Battleye has a better understanding of it than you do.
  10. There was a huge thing about someone, fake, offering 750$ for someone spelling sniff about 4 months about.
  11. And that would be a computer from 2010. Which by most standards would be a turtle. So running windows 7 on that cutting edge Core2Duo with 4gb of ram and omg the latest directX 9.0c! Don't forget that video card with 256mb of ram! Devs don't account for everything and as long as it is not interfering with the gameplay why cry about it so much. Did the devs ever care to take into consideration color blind people? Nope! And that is really shit in a game where its is just Red vs Green.
  12. Everyone playing on a cheap mouse and monitor is at a disadvantage as well. That shouldn't mean that everyone has to use a 10 inch black and white cathode monitor and a two button mouse from the 90s.
  13. When you buy something at a store you pay what you pay, you don't get to complain when it goes on sale years later. You got the use of what you bought for that whole time frame so why complain unless you just have some sense of false entitlement. Yes some stores do use the gimmick of giving you the difference if something goes on sale in X amount of time, but that isn't how most places work.
  14. Thought it was already said that the Reloaded part was going away since it was not part of the deal. G1 does have a bad taste to it so i could see a change being helpful PR wise, but it would also be costly to change it soo
  15. You know its not a bad comparison at all. Only difference is the Casino can not print money. People come back because of that spark of hope and nostalgia i presume. Though some come just to cash in before the changes.
  16. Wrong forum and 4 months too late? There nailed it!
  17. Epic Goat isnt the first source of that bit of information. Though much like most information about this subject he is the most common source for people of this community. FairFight code does have a block for pulling screen shots, No idea if APB ever used it but it is still there and some other games do use it WAY too much.
  18. Sorry I interpreted your comment about "even now in bronze" to heavily imply that no one cheats in bronze and thus that being the only reason someone could be banned for. Of course people are still getting banned for their foul behavior. Ok then they have earned trust by their actions and statements, there is that better for your nielist view point? They have done what they have said they would and given no indication of doing anything but
  19. There are many reasons for people to get banned, we just have a lot more visibility with the cheating issue. Why not trust LO to do something decent with the games they just bought? Doesn't cost me anything to let them have a little trust.
  20. New characters do start as T but will gain your mains threat as soon as they shake off the T
  21. Because some of us know of people that have been banned for "reasons". Also you could just take LO word on it. just an idea.
  22. I view being a rank 255 T as a mark of how dedicated someone can be to a goal. In general it is good to know a good amount about a subject instead of jumping to false conclusions. Also name and shame is not allowed.
  23. This is what makes you think that threat is broken? THIS? Have you never played the game or something cause this is nothing.
  24. That is not how images work, thats not how any of this works! Also screenshots dont really prove much as far as cheating goes. Harassment or something like that maybe can be shown with SS but not cheating.
  25. Might be because that is an important issue in an online game, especially one that had 17k people banned for it.
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