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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. So that you can equip Explosives 3.
  2. "Does LO realize that probably 90% of forums is a troll account."
  3. I'm beginning to enjoy the troll accounts on here.
  4. You misunderstood my statement. I didn't say "you think everyone is hacking", I was saying "you are so blindly focused on everyone you think is hacking". So I didn't in any way comment on how many you think hack - I said that you are blindly focused on everyone you DO believe hack. I quite sure I'm not crying? You have an issue with the statement "No AC is perfect", yet you were falsely banned by FF yourself?
  5. No AC is perfect. That is not a dream, that is a matter of fact. People will always complain about bans. But the more false bans there are, the more cries you will get. If 95% weren't false at all, that leaves 5% which could very well be false. Fairfight banned well over 16000 accounts, that leaves 800 accounts which could have been falsely banned? How is that in any way okay? That's a horrible success rate. I can't stand people who are so blindly focused on everyone they think is hacking, that they forget about facts and put 100% trust in their own opinions, in authorities, and in man-made systems. And when their opinions are being questioned, they knee-jerk "You are either a cheater yourself or you protect your cheater friends"
  6. Reminds me of the people on the "old" forum, who repeated the Tiggs quote "For those that claim, omg I wasn't cheating... yes, yes you were and you've been caught." ad nauseam for every Fairfight ban that was being discussed. Some even had it as their sig in an un-ironic way. If Messrs Dunning and Kruger would visit this forum, they'd probably be so proud of their scientific work that they'd rub one out.
  7. If half of the missions (50%) have hackers and there are 6 people in each mission (3v3 average mission size, arbitrarily chosen by me for the sake of the argument), then that would mean that 1 in 12 people hack (around 8%). I KNOW, this is not a realistic calculation, this is just to explain the principle of the difference between "50% of my mission have hackers" and "50% of APB hack". If you disagree with above principle, you are a confirmed hacker and both BE and FBI are on your tail already.
  8. You're a goddamn champ, Dibbzie. Hunter x Hunter sounds like a deffo watch, only issue could be that it's not dubbed to English as far as I can tell?
  9. @iodyne_ he's 10. So we're keeping relatively PG it at very mild upskirt action, but that's all you're gonna get on Netflix anyways, as far as I can tell.
  10. We can still share my big black banana collection.
  11. I always get my shit out of my patootie completely vanilla. Well, I do take a fiber supplement, and since it’s not mentioned explicitly in the ToS, it’s a bit of a brown area I suppose.
  12. So you’re saying we need a Fortnite style queueueue lobby?
  13. Just make a heavy set male char with bewbs. Done.
  14. They - have - threat - and - matchmaking - rework - in - the - pipeline. And dethreating is not against the ToS. However intentional dethreating was always against the ToS, it’s just not easily detected and enforced. And what is a competitive gold? I would guess a high threat gold? It would take absolute ages for them to dethreat to silver.
  15. Ray Taylor rewards himself every time a bloated cheater% is mentioned on the forums.
  16. This is why we can't have constructive discussions regarding cheaters and anti-cheat measures....
  17. At the risk of sounding really old - which I am, I'll bite. I just started watching anime a month ago, as my son and I were looking for stuff to watch together. We quickly finished One Punch Man, which we both enjoyed a lot. Then we tried moving on to Fullmetal Alchemist, but it didn't work out for us, so we quickly dropped it. We found KuroMukuro, and we're well past the halfway point of season 1. Already looking forward to season 2. When we're done with KuroMukuro, we'll deffo look towards FlCl (if it's on Netflix) as our next project. Sorry for being a weeb-potato and for not really adding any relevant thoughts to your OP, please have patience.
  18. I also have some line break issues. In Google Chrome - When I press "enter", the cursor stays on the line. I have to press it twice for the cursor to move to next line On iPhone/Safari - When I press "enter", the cursor stays on the line no matter how many times I press it, and I have to move the cursor to the new line/lines manually with my finger on the touchscreen I also have an issue with the [.spoiler] function in Google Chrome. I just made a post including a rather long [.spoiler] and I included a litte text and a gif AFTER the [./spoiler]. But the text and gif after the [./spoiler] was included within the spoiler text, and when I tried to edit the post afterwards the text and gif which was wrongly placed within the spoiler could not be edited.
  19. Edit: Fuck it. Formatting on these forums is so horrible, I don't even feel like posting right now...
  20. When in bronze, don’t go all out. Play weapons you suck at and have fun. Stay silver. Stay in bronze.
  21. Litteraly no-one? Oof... Back to shitposting, then! Other edit made my post obsolete. But it’s still staying!!
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