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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Anyone who understands how the threat system works currently will easily determine what's actually going on with the new phasing system. We'll also quickly determine if the threat system itself has even been touched. At the end of the day, I predict there will be little to no change to the dethreating issue because of phasing, it'll just get a lot more imprecise and you'll see people go on longer streaks to ensure they lost enough. With a community as tiny as ours, it's incredibly easy to gauge how far your threat has dropped based on who you get matched against, the visible threat is just a convenience. The only actual solution to the issue is moderation, and the complete lack of action by Little Orbit over the past year speaks volumes on how that'll go.
  2. You greatly overestimate the universal interpretation of that word. It's extremely common to see people call sub-30 FPS gameplay "seamless" in many games.
  3. Yup. There's tools ingame that let the team simply kick the afk/teamkiller, but nobody bothers using them because why do the logical thing when you can just throw a tantrum instead? Then the person doing nothing wrong gets the banhammer, because those tantruming children spam reports on them. It's like games with a chat filter, where players get banned for foul language. Like, mods, the fuck is wrong with you? (before the mods here lose their shit, I'm talking about the mods in those games. calm yourselves)
  4. So how about the concern that this is going to foist constant load times on people due to constantly having to change into other districts? Can you finally comment on this since it's been asked about repeatedly for the past year without response?
  5. Friendly reminder @MattScott that currently (and for a while now), the only thing I've been wanting is Little Orbit's variant of Improved Rifling (the percentage plus flat increase to range, at the cost of reduced fire rate one) implemented as its own mod. Was extremely nice in many of the guns I enjoy using (thus greatly increasing my fun factor with them even further), and would be very nice to get that back...
  6. Only took Little Orbit a fucking year, but good riddance all the same.
  7. These were concept proposals made during APB beta back in RTW days, by lead of UI design.
  8. Still wish they'd add the basic RSA to ARMAS. While they're at it, add the basic ACT44 as well as the ACT44 Last Stand (retail pack variant, no longer obtainable).
  9. No. If they add more methods to obtain JT, it should be by actually earning JT through gameplay. Even if it's as simple as getting a stipend of JT per mission completion.
  10. We already have multiple options for permanent explosive weapons, there's little reason not to just add OSMAW and OPGL as well. EDIT: I realize I should probably clarify something. I don't actually agree with explosives being in ARMAS at all in the first place. However, since there's no way Little Orbit would ever take them out, there's thus no real further damage that can be caused if they simply add the two missing ones as well. This becomes even more cut and dry if Little Orbit handles the removal of JMBs as I expect they will, which is to simply add the weapons to ARMAS as normal purchases like everything else.
  11. Should increase the JT earned from dailies, and then give JT on a per-mission basis (something small, like 2-5 on a loss and 5-10 on a win).
  12. Waterfront is a terrible map, if it wasn't for the game forcing you to play there (due to contact progression), the overwhelming majority would never touch the place. Really hope that at some point in the future, Little Orbit takes the time to rebuild the map from the ground up.
  13. It's more of an assault rifle with how it plays though.
  14. Rabid is not a reskin, but it's also not very good. It's got this ridiculously high zoom angle when ADS (like sniper rifle high), despite being a medium range weapon. Once slotted with Hunting Sight (which you do by default because it's got no hipfire accuracy and its base accuracy isn't great at range), that zoom gets even more extreme. It competes in a niche shared by actually good weapons like STAR, FAR, and NTEC. Naturally, it loses out to these.
  15. Modern game dev standard practice is to only provide the absolute bare minimum in patch notes, and let the players sort out what all actually got changed.
  16. This is the correct answer. Also wish they'd add the various STABBA weapons, as well as open slotted ones. Course, that would require them to strip the premodded ones out of the role and add to contact progression like every other weapon in the game. Then they'd have to add open slotted ones at the relevant role tiers like every other weapon in the game. With how adamantly every dev that owns this game refuses to do anything to improve Cop gameplay, that's a pipe dream though.
  17. Yup. Both Cooling Jacket and Improved Rifling increase max bloom. Surprisingly however, Improved Rifling has significantly less of an effect despite it being the one that is supposed to have it as a downside. Never understood why people always claim otherwise, considering how incredibly easy it is to test.
  18. Alternatively, just remove the mod because it not only breaks game balance, it also just has no real place here.
  19. GMs have an invisible mode, a follow cam (RIOT death cam), and a first-person cam (which is admittedly buggy as hell, but would give more than enough information for these purposes). All of these combined completely negates that excuse. The real reason more GMs would be useless is simply because GMs are useless in general. They can't take action, because they have no power per your policy changes. If you were to give GMs actual power (as well as having oversight in case one abuses their power), then GMs would be able to fix this problem outright in less than a month. All that being said, nice to see that you continue to remain consistent in your responses to this issue. Helps give credence to your promises, which is why we still stick around.
  20. Thanks for the link. Would need to also find a different downside (the damage reduction kills the mod outside the one niche it's already used in), and the spread reduction percentage would need to be at least 25% to have any noticeable impact (the 35% DOW has barely changes it). I'd say bring the spread reduction at least to 20%/35%/50% (buffing DOW to 50% as well). If it turns out that shotguns are killing too far away, just lower their effective range and/or sharpen the falloff scale and/or reduce minimum damage percentage. For the downside, I'd say increasing recoil would be an effective substitute to the current damage reduction. A missed shot still reduces damage output, but recoil is something that skill can mitigate.
  21. Color me curious. Heavy Barrel is very useful in a certain niche, but it'd be nice to see it reworked to something useable across the board.
  22. Which is something that RIOT fails to be on any level.
  23. I selected Improved Rifling, but I don't necessarily want to see the existing mod changed since it already caused an uproar the first time around (people afraid of change, rip). I just wish that Little Orbit's variant of the mod they pushed as a rebalance were returned. The percentage range increase (with flat applied after to make the mod not completely useless on shotguns) at the cost of reduced fire rate was absolutely god tier for a few weapons, and made numerous others feel amazing. I miss it, so much...
  24. Not how that works anymore, though. The system is inflated to hell thanks to Gamersfirst/Reloaded changing the scale so that the upper like 40% of players are gold. Don't know the exact percentage they targeted (don't remember if it was even ever stated specifically), just know that the intent was to make gold piss-easy to get so that golds would have easier time finding opp. If Little Orbit were to revert Gamersfirst/Reloaded's stupidity so that the threat scale was in a functionally sound state again, I'd likely never breach gold again (unless I started taking the game seriously again, of course). Gold used to actually be something you could wear with some measure of pride (although it wasn't until they added revealed numbering that you could truly brag about it, assuming you were G5+). Miss those days...
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