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Everything posted by Pedroxin

  1. Is there going to be some sort of rotation? if so are these weapons a one time deal or is there going to be another chance to get them later? BTW it would be nice to know the duration.
  2. کس ننه همتون کونیا
  3. Good job. Weapon drops showed how fragile the game balance is and how slight changes can totally affect it. I hope you learned a lesson from this and the weapon balance changes that you had to rollback.
  4. If that happens you can sue the guy for assault and he'll end up in jail.
  5. Freedom of speech is a basic human right and is not exclusive to the U.S. Limiting it would be a human rights violation.
  6. awwww you're a speshul snowflake aren't ya? there's a little thing called freedom of speech and expression. People have the right to say whatever they want. Nobody's forcing you to read the chat.
  7. I'd clap for you but sadly everyone's asleep here. Really feels good to be respected tbh, thanks, Matt.
  8. So here's the thing, after the recent merge I get stuck at "retrieving character list" and after a while, I get disconnected. Just wanted to know if anyone else has or had this issue. and yea yea I know try support blah blah blah, y'all know how long it takes for them to open your ticket so cut me some slack.
  9. alright, let's discuss the game from a new player's point of view. after installing the game and making an account you automatically join a server, there's also a chance that you connect to the silver sever which is an instant game killer for a new player so I'm not even gonna touch it. you have no knowledge of the game and have a very limited arsenal at your disposal. if you'd get matched against other players in your own position I'd say there's no problem but that's not the case. There's a high probability that you get matched against people who are way more competent at the game, have quite an extensive choice in weaponry and most importantly a great deal of map knowledge. sometimes you're matched against dethreaters and the occasional cheaters. well, anyone would uninstall the game and never come back after this experience, considering the outdated graphics and mechanics, toxic community and the general negative stigma surrounding APB. You should also keep in mind that most people have day jobs and other matters to tend to, they play video games to have fun, escape reality and forget the daily frustrations, not to add more to it. not everyone is planning to become a quake champion. I think when someone says the game is unfriendly to new players, they're right. if you shift your perspective from someone who played this game extensively to the perspective someone who just installed the game, you'll see that. In my opinion, the "unbalanced matchmaking" is one the most important reasons for the current state of the population and APB's failure to attract and keep new players.
  10. sounds like something straight out of dead space
  11. I just can't see how battle royale would benefit apb
  12. next patch as in the one including the new trade system?
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