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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Oh please. I know you enough to know that if you didn't have that SPCT badge on you'd be backseat yelling too and not living by what you just said.
  2. I don't know whether to feel more sorry for some of the people in this thread or sorry for myself because of it.
  3. I remember when I still had hope. Those were the days.
  4. You talking shit about quality prop and nzev themes? Get the fuck out of here, you ain't even a proper theme lord.
  5. Just refund everyone that purchased it and delete it.
  6. @Kewlin So can I say 'I told you so yet' ?
  7. If I remember correctly she has to do with Effigy magazine and that whole criminal celebrity stuff.
  8. How about you just buff the really shitty vehicles? Also not every vehicle in APB is meant to be good. The game was purposefully designed to have tiers in the vehicles as a form of progression and other reasons.
  9. Can we ban socialists from APB please. Let the free market dictate.
  10. Imagine unironically not using the Snubnose as your default secondary for the past 10 years.
  11. Or better yet. Make the consumable slot unlimited uses.
  12. Using scroll wheel to shoot is actually a disadvantage overall anyway.
  13. Sorry I'm late. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
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