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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Taiwan numba wun THEY TOOK THIS FROM YOU
  2. Why did I actually bother trying to read, and translate, all of that?
  3. Pretty much everyone got unbanned though.
  4. Can I say old scout? Or N-tec. Old N-tec too.
  5. APB uses the Glicko Rating system. So behind your coloured threat you still have an elo/mmr number. Adding more colours does nothing to change this system as the colours are just there as a general indicator of what your hidden number is. This hidden rating is what the matchmaker uses.
  6. But the colour of your threat is not your matchmaking rating. Adding more colours to threat does not actually do anything.
  7. u cant do him like that My bad. Just speaking the truth.
  8. But why, what function would this serve?
  9. Haha, this guy thinks the HVR isn't still stupid strong. Funny.
  10. It is almost like development teams are made up numerous different people that work on different roles dependent on their skill sets.
  11. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed by someone who can click but I am bad and just assume it is a scroll wheel cause I can't do it' thread. Add it to the pile?
  12. Don't forget the intentional griefing and playing less than 10 missions because he is still trainee.
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