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Everything posted by Dahel

  1. Dahel

    FPS Lock?

    hey there, did ya changed nVidia setting as global Vsync to be off? you don't need find APB at nvidia system contol at all, your control all em via global settings, BTW off all filterings at global settings as can cause degradation of FPS. key here is "manage 3d setts" -> "GLOBAL" settings. "Locked" by nVidia global setts
  2. Try increase audio sets in desktop for abp and if have any softwqre what have control over sounds max em there. feedback?
  3. well you should read error from beginning .net framework missing issue so silly
  4. here is image I've tried place my Seiyo, but system warned there no space for it. car xyz + dimensions. same if car placed right side of park - error. FIX needed.
  5. @Asparii @Lixil n1 clearly controlled with "Home" button just now paid attention on it and adjusted chat whatever my needs. chat where only visible: clan combat system vehicles whisper event gifbox challenge
  6. @Lixil never tested in this game ^_^ - need tests just shout
  7. @TheSxW sry you should, I've had good lesson but I'm bad at net (still learning)
  8. file name? - location? results after? *I'm sorry but this file name not exist in a game, seems somebody been malware ya, try use: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Additionally, a system reboot might be required after doing so. (c) Beye
  9. @Lixil there was a way, eliminate all chats in game and leave filter only @missions @technical (a way I mean forces, deleting UI from game files or alternative ways... user side) I would off all chat but leave -missions -technical (admin msg) -private msg -clan msg
  10. Oh, if can get remote access at weekend to ur pc I can scan all hdd for these signatures and kick out that file. But I need one tool on ur board be4 start if u wish kill it. I use deep scans results are 100%
  11. Macro is not bannable, instant kick
  12. Tax is depends on seller agreement + location, as be4 wrote, but if do purchase no matter what good I have no extra charge but g1 probably in purpose charging to decrease fees for transfers, tax or widraw. in cases transfering money not same country moustly cases fee apply, even friend transfer, depends on country from and where. Purchases for goods/services should not be apply fee as this is sellers duty and he do profit... Some seller trying bypass via adding extra costs...
  13. any battleye errors? do not use steam, do it from G1 http://downloaders.reloadedtech.com/prod/reloadedgames/r43544/APB_Reloaded_Downloaderprogram
  14. anyone tested APB as he did with "NetLimiter" ?
  15. Testing and learning must be maxed chars and all eq from armas! But at gold or silver servers.
  16. Leave her alone, abusing a woman what a piece of cake
  17. https://www.battleye.com/downloads/ Restart pc play
  18. Dahel

    what is this bug ?

    Try boot clean windows and give feedback
  19. It's popular topic to RS6 + Beye, VOIP goes crazy even there was no fix done for 2years!!! suggestion: use external AUX card to bypass it, good example CreativeLabs even cheap cards can be found on market, ebay, secondhand, somepoint cards can do same job old as 2000 but cost 1 dollar
  20. never! I didn't tried disrespect ya. sry. ill would wait for 3.5 update and than 4+ than let see, hope helps ur opinion, myself today struggle do adjustments in game, G1 ruined some of settings
  21. 3 weeks ban make a sense, I was feel been in prison 3 years but now coding skills using as white-sided.
  22. Dahel

    what is this bug ?

    play with regular software not beta had no time to scan beta sry a bit later
  23. no sense. no info SRY. LO said that.
  24. ur setts are wrong from begging. I'm sure u played fuzzy bunny.
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