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Everything posted by Dahel

  1. fine, u should use it, coz do not use MAX sets to gave ok, if ya do, exit it, than change filtering from 16 to x4 please, so ya able play a game
  2. I really hope after updates of engine 3.5 - 4+ cops car lights can reflect from surroundings where close to reality, dunno their plans but 4+ engine give a chance to this. as long you have brighter lights on cop car that can much ez seen. - reflective to other obj the game looks dead nowdays literally and ingame I'm sure your game settings are wrong, coz difference is lights, that can be adjusted via adv launcher but no one have clues what setts to do, try play with em and I'm sure u can find one! this case not so bad, coz you can find a figures how to. I had issues to game and after nvidia setts + game setts via adv launcher found answer and got a image what looking for. *** but I'm not satisfied at all since no reflections to cop high lights from obj. Crims should be sneaky-peaky bastards, but it's a part of ur life so... - balance it pls a hope
  3. why both cases? one side - cheating, feels like you support em <--- other just with him,
  4. Sml inverter over free armas
  5. Thats right, fps does not give advantage since tick rate lower than that, fps=tick rate=screen hz all em should be same level other way will not work
  6. RS6 now banning for teaming up with cheaters, they lifting players for money to gain top rank as achievement, csgo cheating team up too but not baning for teaming up
  7. Dahel

    what is this bug ?

    Possible it will stay forever at beta, as illegal to use at tournaments, Razer understand if their official software will be banned from tournament site they will loose ads from it. Btw ill test beta tonight if this can do xy manipulations than beye should not allow to use.
  8. How u do that tho Vsync off at nvidia global setts and at game. At older pc csgo fps was 550 At old game rogue trip fps 5000+
  9. Dahel

    what is this bug ?

    I do run razer program at background, never have issues coz razer never give advantage with "macros" hotkeys have but nothing to macrosing to control xy coordinates remove mouse, uninstall soft for it, plug other mouse wait until found basic drivers -> restart pc -> run a game and give a try. show ya conflicted mouse or it's soft or not
  10. I'm at 101fps, 60hz screen -> after this modding I will have more issues to my pc coz conflict with hz difference. Please can you be a bit more detailed coz if users follow instructions their pc can fly away or run-Forest-Gump way .))) **we can find others ways to blowup pc at water, oil and fire, pee, thermal glue instead of thermal paste, grease instead of thermal paste. *another joke, but never do it please!!! ];-> grease your brakes before get to road
  11. is it only all HUD or just a xhair? HUD hide f12 may your keyboard stick-jam
  12. AAA+++ controlled by legal sources as monitors and VGA software's.
  13. Dahel

    Game Freezing/Hanging

    try than hard way: unplug all USB and plug it back but different places, try play a game, if not then -> -> boot clean windows https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=boot+clean+windows&amp;rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB790GB790&amp;oq=boot+clean+windows&amp;aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6799j1j7&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8 if boot clean os helped try eliminate your self one by one over tskmngr all processes and than services so you can find what is an issue. if nothing help after this, please upload your log folder somewhere else and send me a link (private msg) so I can look at this issue, game not responding but you cannot see log/error it self, may I can look at it or may you can look at this your self at last 20 lines at log files (mainly clues can be read by any user and it is clearly)
  14. Dahel

    Battleeye blocked SpeedFan

    U should use different soft to control fan speeds, this soft last updated 2y ago
  15. is answer, try change filtering from x16 to 4 or max 8, it does mass degradation on my 6600k with 1080 also do as MattScott wrote
  16. up again, mainly it is about what you see FOG around town, not car smokes or HE smokes.
  17. invisible overlay, try press Esc till see menu
  18. did not actually read till there, sry.
  19. inspected fully G710 Plus Blue software, nothing been "detected" as AutoHotkey or AHK on board with this software. (used deep scans similar to Beye) I've seen only custom/own programmed lnge. Not going to return to this thread
  20. it's should be stored in keyboard/mouse memory??? if not I would like to inspect this kind of software.
  21. he did, where appears another error, I do recon he got not up-to-date windows or image of os corrupted.
  22. did I misunderstood, you have 4 channel, and fit 3 slots of 4? 8+8+2 what frequency does it's run? every single slot can run different frequencies what log files are showing
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