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Everything posted by Dahel

  1. As wrote before, 1. shutdown software at tray one by one and run game if not found 2. start with TaskManager -> kill any process what under your "user name", start with alphabet way, and do not kill any microsoft soft, if not 2.2 kill/stop services what not microsoft try use AnVir Task Manager, very advanced tool, some time ago purchased full licence as VERY useful to carry repairs of software (kids downloading everything so can find ez with it an virus) BTW AnVir Task Manager can look at register and may there is "The Thing". -> and ez to send any processes-services whatever it is to virustotal where scanning about 60 antiviruses ...
  2. Not only files software can aswell, google answers not clear and Beye FAQ nothink about this issue
  3. Сказать соединение разрываеться и айпи куда
  4. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/929833/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/947821/fix-windows-update-errors-by-using-the-dism-or-system-update-readiness try em. BTW u did not tried to "windows clean boot"
  5. try use tskmngr to trace what is going on. simple monitoring after join district, 1-2-3-4 minutes, what been drained, RAM or HDD. abnormal - when apb exe uses over 6gb or ram. normal when 3-5gb and it is "flushes" frequently 1-3 seconds of delay automatically any unused files/cache. did ya tried run os with "windows clean boot" ? did ya tried repair a game? launcher -> option -> repair
  6. Позвани нэт провайдеру обьясни ситуацию
  7. Try windows clean boot, google it Or kill one by one background software n run game... Inc services
  8. Dahel

    APB wont start up

    restart PC and try http://m.majorgeeks.com/files/details/visual_c_runtime_installer.html additionally https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/1742-disconnects-solution/
  9. Dahel

    getting constantly dc

    did u done latency test? - where is report try https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/1742-disconnects-solution/
  10. Discord not a issue. seems to me you forgot to count "other" back-ground programs. but it is up to you. I don't care.
  11. nah just use launcher -> options -> repair BTW, wait a bit longer, late this day, may there counter-patch come after their patch... bugs...
  12. попробуй это что чел отписал https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/1742-disconnects-solution/ немогу тестить, мой 1й рутер от IPS стоит в пассивном-режиме, а я использую более качественный рутер после него.
  13. restrictions #0-1-2-3-4..99, some files are corrupted.
  14. once again, please do not abuse other users. reply was about Beye "update" where answer was -> Beye updates "independent" after you installed it to your pc if you don't know what is Beye turn to google. I'm not going to do lessons here.
  15. Beye patching silently independent, its no need to update by ABP developments its done by Beye team Will not ask you at all ! this is good side of Beye. Gl
  16. Wow wow hold your horses. Stop abusing other forum users this rules of this place.
  17. Do you mean will unban those who banned after Beye integration???
  18. При установке пытплся ли изменить директоррю? Пусть.папку куда устанавливаеш. Если крч ничо не выйдет я бы рекомендовал запустить ось в чистом виде, откль автозагрузку всех прог кроме майкрософта можеш в нете найти как. Возможно что то на фоне весит что имеет конфликт. Кстате с др компа но айпи тотже? Тоесть с тогоже рутера соединялся или
  19. они не игнорят, у них много работы. попробуй зайти с др компа - айпи, и-нет кафешку згоняй или к другану опробуй аккаунты. a еще зайди в свой профиль https://www.gamersfirst.com/myprofile.php и посмотри Status: Active или Blocked под аватаркой, дело в том что они раздают баны "вручную" эт без возврата, глаз обнаруживает а они уже делают решения.
  20. try as KyoukiDotExe described 16GB System ram = 8 -> Config my 9.9 as default and no issue to memory (16gb ram)
  21. \GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config\Account
  22. 2 complicated every game as satisfaction of customer. LO as "customer" seems to be right so just w8 personally they need a tool, like balls-scratchier so player not get irritant and have instant or bit delayed msg before panic atk
  23. BTW try use different cable VGA->screen, sometimes they are broken or crap quality. use friends cable who 100% works what about stress test for your graphic card? if test failed and seen similar or other artefacts it's damaged. if pass stress test do next -> gimme zip folder via prv msg with yours "logs" GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Logs and highlight dates when happens around .) UE3 should have left some more info about it.
  24. well in game settings for sounds maybe music is set to 0. try play em from desktop \GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Content\Audio\DefaultMusicLibrary all em are mp3 so should not have troubles. if not - codec if playing i have no fucking idea .)
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