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Everything posted by vsb

  1. lmao do you even hear yourself, you sound like a mental patient it's obvious the only explanation is big poop manipulating the media to cash in on toilet paper sales
  2. poll: is it a good thing or a bad thing that i may be quarantined in my house and have nothing to do but play apb?
  3. not sure why ur ranting at me, the very post you quoted (twice now) says i wouldn't mind if crims got ltl if you don't want me to point out your over exaggerated statements then dont make over exaggerated statements
  4. ltl is a marketplace category because all guns used to be tradeable during rtw apb, even then ltl weapons were still restricted to enforcer only buyers
  5. i can’t say i really give a shit what the game looks like as long as it runs better than it does now if my eyes really start to bleed there’s always configs or programs like reshade
  6. if you can already stun enforcers then one more weapon that can stun enforcers isn’t exactly adding “a whole bunch” of variety or content, unless we have wildly different opinions on “a whole bunch” means tbh i have no real issue with crims getting ltl, but a new legendary means a new joker box and we’d need a whole new thread to discuss why joker boxes are not good
  7. the star isn't really a jack of all trades nor should it be imo its a noob gun meant to allow players with little understanding of apb mechanics to still spray and pray to the occasional cqc victory, the far is a better contender for a true jack of all trades - accuracy and ttk giving it the flexibility to be a threat at pretty much any range below 60m without actually excelling anywhere i've personally never understood the desire to handicap the ntec at range, since that's always where it was intended to excel, as the f2p long range alternative to the close range focused star
  8. idk if anyone sane has ever asked for more joker boxes, but a lethal version of the nl9 has been a relatively common suggestion over the years can't be sure we're talking about the same discord but most of the staff have barely talked in months, i wouldn't really call it "hanging out"
  9. never gonna happen, pretty any game focused on pvp needs regular balance changes
  10. that would require them to put effort in
  11. pretty sparse march blogpost, are we to assume that the new joker box is the only thing of "importance" happening for the next 30 days?
  12. "other people break the rules so i should be able to as well" this is a stupid excuse
  13. is it just me or does little orbit just refuse to understand that many players find joker boxes to be a bad thing? this is probably even more true from the POV of someone outside the active community looking in (perhaps a returning vet or maybe an entirely new customer), little orbit releasing more loot boxes while the forums and steam/youtube reviews bash almost every aspect of the game is not a good look - with all the people who have quit/never started playing apb because of the rampant p2w misconceptions and the game industry at large moving towards cosmetic only microtransactions, are you not concerned that even with the engine update released that work may be overshadowed when people consider playing apb and see 23 loot boxes that all affect gameplay?
  14. “some exploits are okay tho” spicy take my man
  15. ever since little orbit did their first major pass on armas items have been all over the place on pricing i, and several others, have made fairly detailed posts about these issues and yet 6 months down the road here we are funny how easy armas changes seem to be when it comes time to sell a new joker box tho :^)
  16. racism includes discrimination based on ethnicity afaik, but if you really want to argue definition semantics (like every racist ever) we can agree that you sound pretty prejudiced
  17. the corsair is not ltl afaik it might do decent stamina damage, but that’s no different from every other shotgun
  18. those are all the details needed claiming that you don’t want to be seen as milking the community at the same time as 75% of new weapons are in joker boxes is worrying behavior as far as im concerned, at what point is this just considered straight up lying?
  19. it’s less the joker boxes themselves and more little orbit’s repeated promises about making monetization more consumer friendly despite this continued reliance on distinctly not consumer friendly armas content its a pretty big red flag imo
  20. i’m not sure it’s really an exploit given that g1 intentionally fixed the same issue with heavy items but left medium items alone
  21. because it’s possible? im not really sure what you’re asking here tbh
  22. pretty out of the box use of a preset imo, cool stuff
  23. considering that little orbit has officially allowed pretty much any config edit that's kind of a gimme
  24. i found a thread about configs that is approaching a week with no replies and a thread asking if the cheat community is dead lmao very active indeed
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