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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the "weeks" timeline has already been met
  2. comparing a 9 week wait to a 321 week wait seems legit
  3. symbol pixelation varies widely depending on the material the symbol is projected on, the location the symbol is projected, the complexity of the symbol, the complexity of your character, the size of the symbol, any scaling up or down of its size, and probably some other stuff i'm forgetting at the moment on clothing there's almost always some level of pixelation up close, and vehicles are notorious for having awful quality projections there are a few things you can do that have a minimal effect like using gradients to soften straight lines and wrapping a vehicle with symbols before beginning customization, but if your gfx are as high as you can get them then the best you can hope for is to design around the worst areas
  4. apb has been shut down permanently, this forum is now dedicated solely to text-based roleplay
  5. the atac is a very easy to use but still effective gun and the bodyguard has the optimal preset mod setup, the swarm is an alig that doesn’t suffer from ungodly rng if you want a panic switch full auto secondary the jersey devil has a faster equip time, altho it functions pretty similar to the hitchhiker
  6. i've been told that the expiration date just resets if it ever hits "zero", probably some kind of global refresh for everyone
  7. title suggestions for former "special" crown owners violently overthrown has-been et tu brute? ex-king victim of the proletariat dethroned kingdom of one emperoren't
  8. i think it was roughly 8 or 9 weeks to this beta release from mattscott's "weeks" quote, which seems like a pretty fair time frame to use weeks for imo performance could have been poor because there were so many people on at once (i saw some people mention 150 players online, which is a much larger sample size than the 10-20 closed beta testers), in which case now not only does orbit know but they have data to work off i have no idea how things are linked behind the scenes, maybe it was the sheer amount of people trying to log in at once or the copy/pasting of everyone's accounts as they did so you state you know it's a beta, but you're worried about something the beta was specifically intended to help address, seems weird
  9. if only we had a whole forum section for stuff like this that said, i didn't like the song choice so i didn't make it all the way through the video
  10. i’m not seeing any remote det s-tier lists!!!!! where are all my fellow gold 10 players!!!!
  11. what ban? this is the same file that is edited every time you change keybinds ingame, why would anyone be banned for this?
  12. how many waffles is it per joker ticket?
  13. rent legendary for 2500jt each time you rent, 5% chance that it unlocks a permanent version if you rent 20 times without unlocking a permanent version, it unlocks a permanent version
  14. the winners are posted in the character contest thread
  15. at least it wasn’t a whole folder full of IPs :^)
  16. aren't testers supposed to push the boundaries of the game? seems kind of weird to expect them to be helpful at the same time you want them to sit and don't touch anything
  17. i've been told that the ocsp joker reward was removed around the same time as the old staff power boxes, which would explain why the ocsp joker is almost as expensive as an ffa
  18. how exactly is this any worse than the current situation? at least with this jt method there’s a guarantee of a legendary, all on its own that will likely keep some people from being tempted to break the tos
  19. 50k joker tickets (2500 x 20 leases) for a guaranteed legendary but every legendary rental has a chance to win a permanent version, as far as i can tell
  20. where are you getting more expensive? it looks like 50k jt (2500 x 20 for a guaranteed drop) is $100 usd, that’s the same price you would pay for a theoretical guaranteed legendary from current joker boxes (1% drop rate doesn’t translate exactly to 100 boxes per legendary but whatever) the only difference is with this new system no one can get fucked over potentially forever by bad rng and never win a legendary weapon
  21. wow nice i can stop heckling orbit about joker boxes now honestly a great change, and i'm looking forward to even more jt additions soon
  22. or they could just ban them, instead of devoting resources and dev time solely to people who don't deserve it
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