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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the "simplest" ways to fix the dethreating problem would be: fix the surrounding issues - players no longer getting screwed over by rng, players getting fairer matches, players perceiving less cheaters, refining the elo calculations, etc, all contribute to making players feel more comfortable where they are placed consistent policing - proving someone is dethreating can be almost impossible, but people not satisfied by the above changes will continue to dethreat as long as it appears there's no widespread punishment obviously neither option is a quick or easy fix i don't think any kind of threat lock is a good idea, its just going to lead to massive threat inflation which will increase dethreating
  2. the biggest reason players dethreat is for easier matches, regardless of the form of the excuse - too many cheaters, bad matchmaking, tryhards, "playing for fun", etc while adding rewards for playing better might encourage some players not to dethreat (as well as reward players who play as intended), we've already seen a similar system where taking away rewards for playing in the wrong threat district had no real effect on the majority of people trying to join bronze instances to curbstomp - rewards alone are not going to meaningfully impact the dethreating issue
  3. really disliking the new borderless window "fullscreen" option, i would like to see the live version of borderless window on 2.1 so that i dont have to alt tab to use other monitors
  4. yeah i was just able to log in fine, altho i crashed within a few minutes
  5. not really, the issr-a is almost universally regarded as one of the worst guns in apb i feel like this could be more effectively discussed if you listed why they're "broken as fuck"
  6. thats not what carplay is, but thanks for confirming you do in fact play some strange alternate version of apb
  7. levelling out the "high tier" vehicles is an indirect buff to every vehicle, because it makes them a more viable choice in comparison - case in point, the fresno you drive is going to be the highest hp car once this patch goes live i dont know what game youve been playing but the pioneer/espacio or the vegas have been the only "competitive" choices in apb for years, and have contributed to some of the most boring gameplay tactics (carplay) this game has had now that you cant shrug off a concussion grenade in a pioneer/espacio, or get top speed performance and more hp than every other top speed car with the vegas, i expect there will be quite a bit of vehicle diversity again
  8. the point is not to remove the meta (mostly because that's impossoble), the point is to even things out so the meta isnt head and shoulders above everything else
  9. i'll wait until i can test this ingame, but i feel like nerfing the weapons people like to use for AV in order to force/encourage the use of the pure AV is a poor way to give pure AV guns a bigger niche
  10. wow this is a wild patch, some good stuff in here can we get the reasoning behind these changes? i get that these guns are meant to be more hybrid anti vehicle/anti personnel but nerfing problematic vehicle hp doesn't mean much if some of the most effective AV guns also get a hard damage nerf also don't get why the issr-a gets more hard damage than the issr-b even though it fires faster
  11. i imagine its easiest for mattscott to post updates because not only should he have all the information but he's the person who has to greenlight any info release anyway, it seems kind of redundant for anyone else to seek approval to do the same thing he could already have done
  12. i mean their job is to moderate the forums, that's why they're called forum moderators
  13. what do the forum mods have to do with weapon balance
  14. sure doesn't look like it, so a great post for this thread
  15. imo it was removed because trainees that had completed the tutorial district still had no idea how to actually change districts, so they were stuck in an empty district doing unopposed missions until they logged off and quit and also probably because the tutorial district could be abused by ramraiders like you suggested earlier
  16. i think its worth pointing out that there is no "trainee" district anymore, the little pop up that you get on fresh accounts (or new characters) asking about a tutorial district will put you into a normal district whether you select 'yes' or 'no'
  17. so kawaii i threw up in my mouth a little bit
  18. vsb

    Dislike me

    dont tell me what to do
  19. since we're getting rid of "exploits" that improve gameplay lets remove jump kicking doors too
  20. spread bloom enemy spread enemy bloom mission type mission area mission objective out of mission player interference spawn selection
  21. eh the overall price reduction and the weapon price standardization were great, but they tried the same thing with everything else on armas and prices have been all over the place for like a year now
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