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Everything posted by vsb

  1. how else will we be able to disregard a valid opinion if we can’t just torpedo a person cause they only played for 2 years
  2. ir3 has been broken for years now iirc, it has no practical downside
  3. volunteer GMs won’t have ban powers, and they likely shouldn’t have any input on bans (for cheating) imo
  4. GTA V is some weird player hosted model, its bad and no one should like it
  5. just close your ears so you cant sniff the sensations
  6. i think apbdb v2 has more up to date info, minus some range graphs iirc that aside im not sure i want to alter the star too far into the close to mid range territory as it would risk interfering with the atac wouldnt be mad at a ttk decrease tho i do think the star is pretty perfect
  7. granted, hope you enjoy steel wool i still wish for some goddamn normal socks
  8. as cliche and corny as i find it now i really played the shit out of kingdom hearts 2 on my old ps2, ill prolly always like it just because of nostalgia same goes for this game, although 'Calm Before the Storm' remains a personal favorite of mine
  9. its likely possible, although orbit has removed the premium restriction for the OTW server i kinda feel like everyone would just stop playing the vanilla game if a functional OTW engine upgrade server existed though - which is great for testing purposes, but would kind of suck for anyone not on OTW
  10. this brings up a good point imo, in that the threat levels themselves need some major adjustment so that gold is actually an achievement and green is more than a dethreating meme this would also negate a lot of the threat elitism we see in the community, or at least it would refocus it on different colors
  11. a primarily hiphop genre that originates from the southern US
  12. zlayer at an insane level as usual, 10 / 10 animals today, folks
  13. those vocal samples hnngh / 10
  14. honestly im fine with the heavy barrel change, but im all for removing the unnecessary curve mechanics from apb
  15. Yes No they dont really work for these kinds of questions do they hm
  16. theyre not just unbanning falsely banned players, they're unbanning nearly everyone
  17. thatd be cool too, but they need sony/microsoft approval for that id assume although they prolly need that for every single patch so idk
  18. seems like a weird thing to ban people for tbh, why not just ask orbit to map a lean function for controllers
  19. no lower one of the particle sliders too low and smoke goes away you also cant see when cars are smoking or on fire tho, so it has pros and cons
  20. nah aside from a few badly balanced vehicles (e.g. cisco) i very much enjoy the fact that apb has semi-realistic steering wheel turn speed and you cant just instantly rip a 90 degree turn at 50mph apb vehicles are never going to stand up to any dedicated racing games, but most "similar" games (GTA, watchdogs, wildlands, etc) have cars that feel like cheap remote control toys
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