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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i didnt realize every corner with an angle that hides the player character qualified as "extreme niche", how about shooting under and around vehicle hitboxes? how about the entire near meta gun that functions best at 90m+? how about guns where the crosshair literally blocks out the player character at a certain distance? "extreme niche" as if these things aren't encountered multiple times every play session, talk about a fucking joke lmao maybe get over yourself first my dude, but thanks for putting up even more reasons a static crosshair is dumb unless youre also suggesting a massive overhaul to the hitboxes in apb (and then the customization options that affect them as well) at the same time, static crosshairs are a stupid pipedream
  2. the issue with changing crosshair colors to combat colorbots is that you're punishing the legit playerbase for cheaters, and (as pointed out above) there's always workarounds that the cheaters will flock to instead
  3. ffa r&d lll for performance deep impact for fun
  4. feels like you're vastly underestimating just about everything you mentioned in your post not only is the current engine upgrade already partially complete but it functions as a roadmap of sorts for little orbit, throwing that all away to start from nothing in a different language is way harder and will take way more time - you're complaining about 3 years and counting for the engine upgrade, when at the very least its going to take that long for "apb 2" (which they can't actually make because of ip licensing) on ue4 obviously its more difficult to work on apb than on gta and rockstar's custom built inhouse engine, and even pretending that orbit can measure up to a billion dollar company with infinite employees and decades of past experience (and success) is dumb
  5. afaik the plan is to finish the engine upgrade for pc and then port that over to console so that everything is up to date, don't think there'll be much if any console changes before that since they'd just be wiped out in the near future jmb win rate is 1%, not even worth spending money on them especially when they'll be removed in the near future when consoles are brought up to speed with the pc version
  6. pretty sure they reboot the servers
  7. i thought this was someone else and i was very confused nice symbol
  8. why would you not believe in the engine upgrade when we've literally been able to play it already? im also not sure what the point of those comparisons are, since the situations are way different lmao
  9. we had an entire event about playing in gold districts, so nah
  10. being punished for playing well is bad game design and its likely something that can't be overhauled before the engine upgrade, so its disabled until orbit can devote serious dev hours to it
  11. feels like "rallying" behind orbit is just the opposite end of the spectrum from those that suggest shutting down or selling apb, extremes generally aren't helpful either way - a bunch of yes men would be just as bad for apb as a bunch of naysayers
  12. why bring up other weapons at all then? a windup for each shot reduces player mobility the arc is negligible at best, there's a reason the volcano almost completely replaced the osmaw until its hard damage was nerfed - it was just better a grenade launcher with a windup before firing, that can be used fully automatic when m1 is held down, and the grenades explode on impact/after a short timer sure sounds like a kickback or a hammer to me, except the "new and improved" opgl would be able to fire out to 100m, have a larger damage radius, and carry more ammo when was the last time you saw a true ogre user only fire a single shot? if one of your complaints is waiting while someone drops multiple grenades in the same doorway, why suggest a change that only encourages that player to do the same thing more often?
  13. hexerin is a long time self-admitted (on this very forum) dethreater, he's not high tier anything
  14. if you dont understand the difference between hitscan and a projectile with travel time then you shouldnt be suggesting balance changes i fail to see the need for this, the opgl already has a firing sound thats easily heard at closer ranges and like the current osmaw, the audio cue wouldnt be noticeable at 100m either the volcano can fire 2 rockets that can each kill a player at a visible and consistent distance, compared to the osmaw that can only fire 1 before reloading, the volcano is the better weapon for long distance attempts you said explosives should suck at cqc, i pointed out that they already are subpar and that theyll never be completely useless because of high burst damage seems like your change would just nerf the opgl at the same time it render the eols even more useless because it will still be a better version of those this would also encourage more spamming because players are punished for letting go of m1
  15. its also way more difficult to land an osmaw shot at long distance, basically as long as you arent standing still youre fine either get super aggressive and constantly push them in cqc or go long range with something mobile like an obir/scout you have 5s between every shot under ~50m, adding more delay is too much of a downside the volcano kills in 1 rocket at its maximum range, which is also conveniently 99m, its a very common tactic to sit at draw distance to try and snipe people with rockets the larger radius and ability to fire 2 rockets at once allows for a huge aoe that the osmaw cant match, especially since the osmaw doesnt explode at 99m opgl and osmaw are both subpar in cqc, due to their high damage output theyll never be completely useless, but they both have serious downsides and a relatively lower skill ceiling ironically the eols you want buffed are dedicated cqc explosives, and the volcano youve defended is "spammed" far more than any other explosive weapon
  16. http://old.apbdb.com/track/302136/ not a windup timer current osmaw is better in just about every way especially now that vehicle hp is more balanced, the only issue i have with the timer is that the sound effect is a bit too extreme
  17. tracers and enemy radar pings were both broken at the same time iirc, as a result of g1 implementing the condor legendary
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