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Everything posted by vsb

  1. there's nothing "demeaning your character" in that last post, nor have i said there's no cheating in apb or no corruption in the world i have no idea what more you want me to "bring to the table", ive already said that i disagree with you and why
  2. i think your last few posts are low effort and not particularly well informed generalizations, so i responded with some low effort posts of my own to signify my disagreement without having to repeat explanations that have already been hashed and rehashed hundreds of times
  3. no? you deserve an olympic medal for jumping to conclusions tho, that was definitely impressive
  4. off the top of my head teng, suji, fin enf money dropoff, and the skate park all involved actual map changes, not simple prop movement, so i still think its fair to blame g1 for not putting in equal effort across the board
  5. given that we saw g1 do extensive map rebalancing for more than one problem area, i think its totally valid to blame them for just "giving up" and walling off others
  6. thread seems like a fundamental misunderstanding of what the engine upgrade is and im tired of explaining
  7. seems like poor game design (didn't you just complain about that?) to allow for a hitbox to be shot with no indication its there, that's the kind of thing that gives players who know a very large advantage over those who don't alternatively player hitboxes could be redone from scratch so that its not possible to damage a player unless the actual character model is visible, and then of course it needs to be decided if character models have to be redone to be visible over all crouch height cover or all crouch height cover has to be redone to show all character models shooting under vehicles already requires skill and good aim with the current crosshair, ironically removing the visual indicator of a red crosshair would often turn it into complete rng shooting around vehicle cover is not a "small sacrifice" its something that everyone encounters at least once per mission, because carplay is just as prevalent as ever i'm curious what your suggestion for balancing the dmr without its reverse dropoff, since its poor game design to just leave severely underpowered guns laying around any weapon with perfect accuracy will cause the crosshair to obscure players corner peaking at long ranges and certain other angles, its not just limited to the anubis calling everyone who disagrees a cheater or a tryhard lmao, that's a surefire way to make all your points look stupid im so "intensely" defending this mechanic because it seems pretty obvious that the people suggesting it haven't even remotely thought it through, even you yourself have gone from "simple fix" to completely overhauling hitboxes, rebalancing weapons, and swapping the crosshair design - obviously all things an unpaid intern should do right? i haven't even brought up the shitstorm that is hitreg, because i don't generally like to balance around outside factors like server performance, but i'm certainly not looking forward to the massive increase in complaints because players don't even have a red crosshair to judge when a shot should have landed
  8. i didnt realize every corner with an angle that hides the player character qualified as "extreme niche", how about shooting under and around vehicle hitboxes? how about the entire near meta gun that functions best at 90m+? how about guns where the crosshair literally blocks out the player character at a certain distance? "extreme niche" as if these things aren't encountered multiple times every play session, talk about a fucking joke lmao maybe get over yourself first my dude, but thanks for putting up even more reasons a static crosshair is dumb unless youre also suggesting a massive overhaul to the hitboxes in apb (and then the customization options that affect them as well) at the same time, static crosshairs are a stupid pipedream
  9. the issue with changing crosshair colors to combat colorbots is that you're punishing the legit playerbase for cheaters, and (as pointed out above) there's always workarounds that the cheaters will flock to instead
  10. ffa r&d lll for performance deep impact for fun
  11. feels like you're vastly underestimating just about everything you mentioned in your post not only is the current engine upgrade already partially complete but it functions as a roadmap of sorts for little orbit, throwing that all away to start from nothing in a different language is way harder and will take way more time - you're complaining about 3 years and counting for the engine upgrade, when at the very least its going to take that long for "apb 2" (which they can't actually make because of ip licensing) on ue4 obviously its more difficult to work on apb than on gta and rockstar's custom built inhouse engine, and even pretending that orbit can measure up to a billion dollar company with infinite employees and decades of past experience (and success) is dumb
  12. afaik the plan is to finish the engine upgrade for pc and then port that over to console so that everything is up to date, don't think there'll be much if any console changes before that since they'd just be wiped out in the near future jmb win rate is 1%, not even worth spending money on them especially when they'll be removed in the near future when consoles are brought up to speed with the pc version
  13. pretty sure they reboot the servers
  14. i thought this was someone else and i was very confused nice symbol
  15. why would you not believe in the engine upgrade when we've literally been able to play it already? im also not sure what the point of those comparisons are, since the situations are way different lmao
  16. we had an entire event about playing in gold districts, so nah
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