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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it’s obvious he’s “not good” because he lacks fundamental game knowledge and he came here to trumpet that lack of knowledge as if it was factual evidence, nothing wrong with calling him on it
  2. 1) every single road is impossible to cross on foot without exposing yourself, there’s no 50/50 chance because whoever shoots first gets a kill 2) long range weapons are currently balanced because they have a high ttk for cqc, adding headshots bypasses that balancing 3)just the fact that you now require multiple people to push a corner shows how insanely low headshots put the skill floor for the defending player 4) in a 3rd person game with a 100m range it’s often impossible to see an hvr until they take the first shot (which now coincidentally will kill out because lol headshots) and this isn’t csgo where wiping a team means you automatically win the match - wiping a player 90m from the objective 8/10 times means he’s going to be back before you can get to the objective this isn’t going to help new players or bad players at all, because of how game knowledge (which you clearly lack) allows you to predict things like spawns and pushes and grenade timing, new players are just going to get stomped harder and faster than ever before and veterans are going to be able to wipe entire teams by themselves far more often fyi, you still haven’t offered any suggestions for reworking the green character mods so that headshot meta doesn’t destroy them
  3. still here actually, please don’t kill me off like some extra
  4. image is better then “post count boost” imo
  5. me, gun looks goofy af ita also way too small like the ar97 misery, looks like a toy from walmart or smth
  6. unreal, it’s like you don’t even play the same game since we’re getting to the point where you just call cheats because you ran out of actual arguments i think we can safely say this topic is done
  7. first, if they put “fix cheating” at the top of the list nothing else would ever get done, it’s not like orbit can do anything but try to keep up with the cheat industry second, at least on jericho, they’ve already tackled the cheating as best as they can for the moment
  8. completely true but, despite never having had big active population numbers, apb has had a lot of players over the years and we'll return to comfortable levels if orbit can bring even a fraction of those players back to the game imo
  9. apb is a fairly well known game for better or worse, and in this day and age advertising isnt really mandatory; once orbit actually makes big changes (like the engine upgrade) word will get out look at the purchase of g1 - there was only about 3 articles about it afaik yet the population pretty much doubled
  10. i think it came up in a conversation about colorblind mode and customizable crosshairs, so the "we're considering these issues" was fairly broad and may not include permanent options, but its likely the closest we'll get for a bit
  11. calm down, orbit has to actually change the game failry massively before any rebranding/advertising otherwise people will come back just to see the same issues and leave for good again
  12. its already something theyre considering no eta
  13. sounds good to me altho i think the JT store will need to have more attractive options for this to really have an effect
  14. this also if ltl was actually competitive i'd be pretty seriously in favor of giving criminals some sort of equivalent mechanic
  15. pretty sure its hidden yeah OP - orbit is currently working on unifying the pc and consoles onto the same version of the game, so i assume that each platform will eventually have all the features
  16. but they have everything to do with balance; theres already dozens of areas that are difficult to impossible to move through on foot when covered by opp with the current ttk - adding instant kill headshots will only exacerbate that changing every single gun is a pretty big deal imo, especially since they would be changed to all play fairly similarly you cant move away from the objective if you die instantly from a headshot, meat shielding is far less effective when said meat shield can also be killed instantly, and shields will only cover you while doing specific objectives this one goes back to #1, no one is going to cross a street or open area (which the maps are covered with) when an entire team can be taken out by a single obeya magazine - moving in cars will instantly become necessary because theres no other way to 100% prevent yourself from being instagibbed theres a reason a huge majority of people use low yields, making them a one shot kill will only remove the single negative they have compared to frags and concs - and percs will become an instant kill panic button in cqc you can currently peek corners with minimal accuracy loss/exposure and its pretty easy to peek at angles that nearly eliminate the chances of return fire actually being able to hit you - while thats enough of an issue currently, adding instant kills with the same system only makes it worse grenade launchers will no longer be a threat (not that they ever really are tbh) since now every gun will be able to one shot speaking of grenades flak jacket will be useless with the new headshot meta, as will kevlar and clotting agent - so theres another system that has to be rebalanced
  17. you can modify the thread title by clicking and holding it the n-tec 7 'Ursus' is not the same gun as the regular n-tec 5 so it does not share all of the same stats, altho the TTKs are still the same and they are played very similarly negative reputation is still possible, although iirc everyone is limited to 10 reactions (positive or negative) per day to prevent abuse simply hover over the like button to see the other options EDIT: id recommend using apbdbv2 for weapons stats, or nearly any info about the game tbh
  18. its still a blowtorch tho, so flamethrower is more of a descriptive word in this case like saying "that suv vehicle" about a pioneer i guess? is there an english major in the house?
  19. flamethrower blowtorch sounds pretty cool
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