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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if you ddos han and theres no one to disconnect, is there really a ddos?
  2. it was a twitch clip and i dont have enough brain cells for that anyway tbh
  3. player in question was pretty obviously blocking a ladder, even going back to block it after being pushed away id love to post video but that'd prolly be name & shame, and i always follow the forum rules
  4. its hard to really have an opinion since apparently posting the support message is a big nono, despite it not being anywhere in the forum rules
  5. lol ye i had to slam on my brakes and they just gave out so i had an accident, jeeps honestly suck i wish they didnt look so nice
  6. why do you keep spamming that, only the thread creator can request a lock
  7. i drive a jeep cause im a real man with a small banana
  8. original post removed so we'll do it the old fashioned way post count boost
  9. missing 2000% of actual value lol
  10. the problem is it isnt based entirely on your current mission, especially if you're an enforcer and cant pay off your prestige id like it to be reworked, but in the meantime enforcers need to be able to pay off prestige
  11. thats not AI, thats objects following set paths that there is no deviation from if you just want to fight civilians go play in the bronze district
  12. not even going to bother picking this apart, every single one of your posts is a jumbled mess main points you still dont understand the difference between defenders and attackers comparing apb to gta is just as silly as comparing apb to csgo yes ive cheated, get over it video shows someone who didnt even bother to try the tutorial fixing the existing systems does not mean the same thing as reworking system to add headshots nice to see that you cant even keep your own suggestion thread on topic tho
  13. how about we just remove visual threat btw we still have almost the same system, its just that you are no longer shown the specific threat levels
  14. pve would require an insane amount of AI work, and even then it would be lackluster tbh
  15. i didn’t get a car i spent it all on apb please end my terrible existence
  16. vsb

    Need Advice..

    just chill out bro real talk tho, seeking professional help is likely the best way to go especially if this behavior is affecting your day to day maybe try meditation or yoga or tai chi or smth? idk
  17. i think you're talking to the wrong person, ive never scammed anyone
  18. today on "things people say that actually apply to themselves"
  19. feels nice until you realize you gave up a new car to get some pixels for as long as this game lasts
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