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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if threat was only meant to show how lethal a player is it would be based on something stupid like k/d ratio also doesnt make much sense to say threat doesn’t mean anything and then turn around and elaborate on how incredibly easy it is to achieve gold
  2. ah my bad, the quote box didnt separate the two different replies you had in the same post ive been bamboozled
  3. if you dont have a warning you arent a real forum memeber
  4. this is some jedi shit, how'd this illiterate moron flip me around so hard
  5. mattscott has confirmed that they have been banning, why should we trust you over the company without any proof?
  6. sorry i don’t work with the handicapped
  7. dude if u wanna get carried just lemme know when ur on i’ll get u to g10
  8. mattscott personally confirmed that he was able to get banned by g1’s fairfight configuration, you can’t really try to invalidate someone else’s experience while at the same time you are pushing your own experience as fact
  9. ye real men just make ridiculous statements with nothing to back them up for instance, i can lift a midsize suv with one arm
  10. at the risk of my reply forming the legendary trifefecta of circlejerking, trauma isn’t cheating its also pretty asinine to pretend that’s not what would be implied (whether you intended to or not) when quoting the notoriously hackusation-happy op in a discussion about cheats
  11. i’m still boosting
  12. if u /report everyone u don’t have to worry about silly things like “remembering” and “being correct”
  13. oh god dont ask him that hes going to tell you his ridiculous story of getting someone banned for scroll wheeling
  14. banning people for using ingame functions is the opposite of following the rules lmao
  15. you mean you had a different experience than me? thats impossible you must be lying different people all have the same experiences all the time
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