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Everything posted by vsb

  1. isnt that exactly what they did? or is beastie from early g1 none of this affects your well-being, and if it does you should seek professional help its already been stated that they are approaching this shotgun balance pass in stages which will allow them to really fine tune stats before they dump it on the live version
  2. the only autoshotgun that was fine was the nfas, the ogre and the shredder were pretty garbage gameplay-wise that said this isnt the final balancing, and what kind of idiot expects balancing to be perfect the first time every time?
  3. whats there to talk about, you're just running around the map
  4. its ok we've already got false ban threads, theres no stopping it now
  5. the guy rails against the carbine for being too effective at too many ranges but doesnt want a gun with double the effectiveness at double the ranges to be touched what
  6. the shredder is nice on otw, whether because of the more stable server or the shotgun buff or some combo of both consistent 3stk up to about 25m (with ir3), altho with the csg managing to do almost the same thing it still feels a little weak
  7. i do agree with kempington, i feel like this shotgun balancing is a lot of work to circumvent the actual issue of low performance servers
  8. cant remember which test district i was on but shotguns were way too strong, i was 3 shotting people at like 30m with a csg shredder was nice tho, the shotgun change really allows it to take more advantage of its range
  9. we're going back to 2011 meta, break out your rt1 csg's boys
  10. did it fix shotguns too? anxious to test the new gun properly
  11. hopefully not until orbit fixes the referred players being used as a cheap g1c alternative
  12. doesn’t it work just like the group invite notifications? if a small green box that will go away on its own is that much of a problem you should prolly be /dnd at all times
  13. the downvoting is likely because your response to people testing bugs in the next LIVE patch is “lol it’s always going to be buggy” why dont u just give up on life since we’re all going to die someday
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