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Everything posted by vsb

  1. sounds more like a problem with your country tbh
  2. orbit has been chipping away at the biggest issues since day 1, so im just going to assume you havent actually bothered to look around before posting
  3. @Tobii pls unban i no hack really tho, early access pretty universally seen as a scam these days isn’t it? cant imagine that would be a goo look for orbit atm
  4. i cant imagine it would take orbit support long to dump your ticket in the trash, might as well have sales
  5. vsb


    isnt this the one thats like crazy indepth on character stats? it sounds insanely ambitious, which likely means the end product will have 1 or 2 gimmicks and they'll try to float the rest of the subpar game on those
  6. vsb

    Platinum Threat Level

    mattscott has also said he'd like to tweak threat itself, he feels its too easy/too quick to move up and down threat-wise
  7. debundle everything, make buying all items from a pack individually cost more than the pack, make all purchases account bound armas fixed
  8. what? the yukon is in jb20 iirc the jb21 secondary isn’t op at all tbh
  9. #thisisnttwitter daily events were a mess under g1 and since orbit has the same systems, i don’t look forward to more
  10. we’ve already got a permanent 20% discount
  11. i personally only abandon unopposed when soloing (which i do very rarely), but my thinking is that rather than staying in the mission group that obviously didnt get opp, i return to the solo queue for better matchmaking
  12. med spray doesnt affect regen time, it just forces regen to start immediately
  13. friendly reminder that the guy changing weapon value inputs is probably not the person you would want making code for the networking systems, and vice versa
  14. i feel like if you only wanted little orbits opinion you could have just DM'd a staff member regardless, i think orbit has been doing pretty well so far, theres only so much to be done with the current game engine afaik
  15. the community is clearly keeping its old behavior as well, people instantly labeling the company hot garbage as soon as theres a single patch that they dont like
  16. im not sure listening to the people who tied themselves to a sinking ship is a great idea just me tho
  17. what about a -50% stored ammo?
  18. they havent given refunds for fundamentally changing actual guns, so there shouldnt be any refunds for changing mods just because you dont like how the change works doesnt mean you get a refund
  19. why is it fine for csgo players but not apb players?
  20. id say just make it a mikro reskin tbh, it would be the best fit for the zippy feeling miatas are known for
  21. plenty of people (myself included sometimes) just autoabandon any unopposed mission
  22. 7 / 10 that bg has a banana in it great genre mix
  23. 4 / 10 better than the other one but i just cant
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