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Everything posted by vsb

  1. just add a moddable 3slot version, the gun itself is alright
  2. iirc there’s a warning somewhere for you not to use /abaondonnission too much or contacts will be less likely to hand out missions would be nice if it was true
  3. vsb

    Weapon Balancing

    rfp should be a marskman gun imo, i’d rather they delete hipfire capability like it was before the buff i like the damage change with no overdamage tho, cool suggestion
  4. vsb

    Forum Bug

    qol fix pls
  5. sounds like you goofed never show your cards
  6. 2 separate clients means 2 seperate game listings i’d assume
  7. vsb


    f uck is this stupid shit
  8. xneat doesn’t work on win10, but i would assume that any alternative would be fine its not actually affecting the game itself afaik, just the window inb4 “learn2draw” nerds
  9. i’ve only put in 2 tickets and they both took around 2-3 weeks while i had no problem waiting neither issue prevented me from playing, which would def make me a lot saltier
  10. vsb


    i dont think it'll hold up in court grammar is for dorks btw dork
  11. vsb


    that makes you pretty new tbh
  12. same, always thought it was just a consequence of running on 30fps servers
  13. 9 / 10 love me some evil needle
  14. both factions have some super unbalanced mission aspects oddly enough i feel like apb wouldnt be apb without that kind of weird shit
  15. why would you want to go back to the old forums
  16. iirc it was added for these same voodoo spammers, and to keep people banned ingame from making reroll forum accounts
  17. afaik the old forums required every account’s first post to be approved by a moderator, i think that was a perfectly viable system and much less work
  18. what’s a pirates favorite gun? cARbine please kill me
  19. idk why anyone would buy the highest listed items anyway commas would be cool i guess, gotta hold peoples’ hands
  20. orbit seems pretty against allowing joker box rewards being exchanged for real money and rmt in general
  21. obeya has always been pretty strong, realistically the extra 5m isn’t going to affect it that much
  22. i think loyos should keep their 3 count, it’s a decent mechanic imo lower radius (4-5m) and a damage decrease (495) would bring loyos in-line with other grenades
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