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Everything posted by vsb

  1. oh man got me again xDDDD keep going man, you gotta ask me to 1v1 now
  2. i demand all engine upgrade resources be diverted to this forum rep problem its killing the game
  3. i didnt realize a scope meant you got better crouch accuracy and here ive been using my scoped guns to get better marksman accuracy all this time, silly me
  4. how will i get my black magic training if you ban the voodoo priest
  5. visual forum rep seems to be gone, even tho posts can still be reacted to not sure how to validate my sad existence now, please bring it back
  6. oh no you've revealed my not-so-secret identity
  7. if you want it to be, im not really into that kind of play tho
  8. looks like hes playing a one man table tennis match and hes the ball
  9. i mean you tried to float the "other guys did it worse" excuse, idk if it gets cringier than that
  10. as far as im aware (and im not a tech person so this is super simplified) moving from ue3 to ue3.5, while difficult due to a number of custom made systems, is like moving from your old house to a new house moving from ue3.5 to ue4 is like having to build a new house before you can move from your old house i personally would assume that orbit wants to keep apb fairly close to its "roots" since that gives them a unique game on the market, but its really not surprising that info on ue4 apb is scarce, since its so far out there are graphical changes from 3 to 3,5 so its likely there will be even more from 3.5 to 4
  11. its likely we wont see a ue4 version of apb for at least a year imo orbit has stated that they will have to completely rewrite the game from scratch, unlike with ue3.5
  12. answered your own suggestion tbh
  13. thats the hope engine upgrade will be make or break for apb tbh
  14. if that was ever the plan it was scrapped pretty quickly, likely due to a large number of people expecting there to be visual improvements in every image/video we've gotten of the engine upgrade theres been a pretty marked graphical difference, as well as the actual OTW2 test server that is/was floating around which has the same "improved" graphics
  15. yes this is what i was saying frankly id rather they just went all the way back on the pellet changes, but it'd be nice to test different levels
  16. that wouldnt solve anything imo the spread shotguns have is a balancing feature in itself since you need to hit all the pellets to do reliable damage, when you allow any 2 pellets from the large spread to deal nearly full damage it negates that balancing reducing the dropoff range would do nothing to keep shotguns as a category from cheesing through bad aim, and the dropoff itself would have far less of an effect since - as above - you only need a few pellets for near max damage
  17. if shotguns are so annoying, why even bother posting a thread? where is your brain my dude
  18. its the only issue imo the new pellet mechanics allow so much extra range because you only need to hit 2 or 3 pellets to get near max damage, take that away and while the shredder will still be able to reach you it wont matter so much because of the spread limiting damage
  19. the coywolf honestly isnt a very good car and the kit is horribly designed
  20. yeah man thats insane how it took you twice as long as an ntec to melt that guy the shredder has always had its range capabilities, the only thing id say is wrong with it is the incredible forgiveness shotguns have due to current pellet mechanics - but that applies to the category as a whole not just the shredder
  21. im confused, you dont think that a gun should be able to get a .75s ttk at 20-30m?
  22. almost as annoying as all these "fix shotguns" threads
  23. pioneer espacio / 4x4 vehicle meta has been toasted ever since the vehicle health buff
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