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Everything posted by vsb

  1. in a decade of apb i’ve never actually been worried about a false ban lol
  2. yeah please tell us when so i can lie low for a while :^)
  3. isn’t the han veo one of the cars that switches depending on the district?
  4. is there really a way to prove that? maybe they’re just friends - orbit has said banned cheaters are free to reroll, why wouldn’t they play together seems like a slippery slope imo
  5. vsb

    Trade lock suggestion

    an unfortunate pedestrian perhaps it’s more difficult than predicted to have 2fa, which seems to involve the login system, reliably affect ingame stuff - kind of a reversal of the old armas event counters frequently not working correctly
  6. nothing better than watching your teammate rush off in the wrong direction to get some sick frags only to die out in the open oh and he had the item, so gg
  7. i never understood why armas weapons dont include an unlock feature so that you can repurchase them whenever you want, the system seems to be in place already since permanent armas vehicles come with an unlock attachment
  8. friendly reminder that op has reported a player for cheating after said player ran op over with a vehicle
  9. its a known bug, afaik we have no update/eta on a fix
  10. the bans don’t seem to have had anything to do with GMs, so there’s that and honestly, yes - as we’ve seen over the years players are perfectly “happy” to create new accounts even after being “falsely” banned
  11. and that’s why ur not DDOSing apb altho if you were this would be a good cover to throw investigations off the trail
  12. good talk bro i’m glad you brought such a well thought out response to the table
  13. vsb

    Trade lock suggestion

    2fa was intended to replace the trade lock at one point, this obviously hit some sort of speed bump and i don’t think we’ve gotten an update yet
  14. i’m not sure where i said this, considering it’s obviously untrue as nearly every non-cosmetic item can be reached for free in any case, yes i do consider this game worth more to me than a fully fledged AAA title but that’s obviously subjective it may or may not be anti-consumer, but that has very little bearing on how it adds to the gameplay experience, which achievements and “grinds” are fundamentally designed to do how would you reward players if not with progressively better (to a point) items that they can actually use, it’s the easiest and (imo) best way to have physical proof that their efforts are a positive action “endgame” players vs new players shouldn’t factor into any of this as its not something that should happen unless it’s voluntary and steps are being taken to reduce/eliminate it i would argue that the arbitrary wall is more entertaining than the content behind it in most cases, regardless of knowing it’s a psychological trick or not apb was a good game with rewarding mechanics and a high skill ceiling, 2011-2012 was the peak imo, and the game barely surpassed 7k concurrent players making the perfect game and players deciding to flock to it is a great idea in a vacuum perhaps in reality the gaming industry (just like literally every other industry) relies on money and that money comes from consumers - perhaps you feel differently but i would much rather get into a game for free and find out i have to pay for small conveniences over handing over $60/$80/$100 up front and finding out the game is crap
  15. a bit of good news, perhaps all the naysayers/whiners will be quiet for a while now that there’s public proof that accounts are being banned
  16. ok? at some point everything will be debundled, if orbit is smart
  17. "for pennies on the dollar" is not a strawman, you've repeatedly (even in this very quote) said that you want access to all apb content for a fraction of what it currently costs removing "grinding" and thus many achievements will only lessen the gameplay experience for most people, here's a link that breaks it down fairly well and provides several sources http://www.psychologyofgames.com/2016/07/why-do-achievements-trophies-and-badges-work/
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