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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if premium revenue falls too much from switching to time logged in, orbit could always adjust how much premium time you actually receive
  2. not sure if ur just remembering incorrectly or what, i don’t think joker box pricing has ever changed (other than bogo sales) if anything theyre cheaper now, since each joker box is exactly 0.99 USD after the g1c price change
  3. or premium could be changed to cover time logged in instead of just time since purchase
  4. pinging/DMing selali on discord seems to work fairly well, only problem is discord isn’t exactly an official channel
  5. am i the only who doesn’t understand? op wants a spam button?
  6. unironically acting out the same meme posted earlier in thread, A+
  7. almost 2 hours of subhuman tommy gun gameplay, great bug report broseph
  8. tHe RuSsiAnS hAvE tAkEn OvEr DiStRiCt cHaT AnD nOw YoU wAnT tO GiVe ThEm sYmBoLs tOo?
  9. removing hp recovery and adding an hp bar makes players play super defensively in order to preserve as much health as possible, it essentially pushes gameplay away from the more aggressive variety we see currently consumables are an example of the old developer’s poor sense of game balance - they make actual mods redundant (e.g. large/medium resupply box is better than field supplier), they aren’t easily available to new players (since consumables are random mission rewards they’re mixed in with all of the symbols and emotes that a player randomly unlocks after every mission, limiting supply until a player has unlocked everything else), and they add unintended negative effects (using consumables to block ladders and objective items) adding gameplay effects to cosmetic items removes the customization freedom that apb is most known for, if wearing a bulletproof vest granted a player more hp they’re essentially forced to dress a certain way in order to stay competitive not to mention that cosmetic items are not unlocked as quickly as weapons (and there’s also armas clothing to consider: does the armas heavy body armor grant more health than the f2p slim bulletproof vest?) so new players would not only have to deal with a skill gap but a pure stat disadvantage as well male clothing and and female clothing is also not equal (for example, males have 2 different f2p bulletproof vests and females only have 1 option)
  10. i wouldn’t recommend building a pc around apb, 3.5 update or not
  11. Complete the game on Hard difficulty to unlock this character.
  12. actual engine upgrade news???????????? this is pretty great tbh someone make sure a missing carspawner makes it to live, just for old time’s sake there’s a difference between tasteful recoloring and over saturation
  13. vsb


    i’m no code expert but i would assume that the BE is more or less a separate program that scans whatever processes your pc has running/interacting with apb, i wouldn’t think that really depends on any of the game code itself by the same assumption, an anticheat like fairfight would be more susceptible to “bad game code” because it relies on the game functioning properly to get correct player statistics
  14. not too familiar with fortnite's mechanics but this sounds like a bad idea it could easily make attacking nearly impossible because now when a defending player dies they can be revived right there on the objective, instead of being forced to spawn elsewhere
  15. my post had nothing to do with whether false bans exist or not im speechless how mentally deficient this community really is
  16. i can’t wait for every neanderthal to make a “false ban pls help” thread when they get 10008’d
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