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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if support remains the same then why did they change the entire backend system and have to hire all new employees?
  2. lets vault the whole game
  3. "mercy" would be allowing players to reroll on a fresh account not giving them back all their shiny toys, some of which may even have been earned by cheating
  4. vsb


    he's already said he has inside knowledge of undetected cheats and proof of undetected cheaters but he isn't reporting them, do you think those cheats continuing to work and those cheaters continuing to cheat is not harmful to the game? saying they don't want to hire a person is not the same as saying they don't want a person to report cheats or saying they don't want to ban cheaters
  5. vsb


    i'll have to take your word for it, because someone with a thought process like "i dont like how this company did X so im going to indirectly harm the game" doesnt seem like a good GM to me
  6. vsb


    aside from the fact that he's complaining about problems that he could singe handedly solve or improve but chooses not to, i'm pretty sure its a good thing orbit didnt hire someone who apparently will only contribute when his demands are met
  7. vsb


    ah cool well that answers that question either you're lying for the egoboost or you're so petty that you can't take 3 seconds to send an email to improve the game
  8. then talk in english, no one is stopping you yall act like without the cyrillic /d would be filled with enlightened polite discussion when in reality 99% of the time there's really nothing worth reading anyway, in english or russian
  9. vsb

    Cyrillic is a problem

    that seems like a dumb option, why would you leave the server with more pop and better latency
  10. why is district chat spam that you can’t read worse than district chat spam that you can read?
  11. vsb

    Cyrillic is a problem

    i don’t think i’d be too bothered, even if anyone decided i was important enough to impersonate in the first place worst case scenario i simply don’t use a name that can be so easily duplicated
  12. if all it took was some people reporting a player then everyone in this game would be banned
  13. vsb


    and have you used this insider access to help little orbit with detection/countermeasure methods?
  14. vsb

    Cyrillic is a problem

    that now brings up the report UI, which doesnt recognize any names with cyrillic characters as valid character names and it won't allow you to submit a report without a valid character name
  15. i agree for the most part i also think segregation would have been significantly more popular if fairfight was implemented first (whether it remains today is arguable but apb did have a very serious cheater problem under punkbuster) but hindsight is 20/20 i guess
  16. so there was a whole month for people (mostly golds i imagine) to realize that segregation sucked and leave looks like a majority left in the 18 days before it ended in september which seems about right to me - august was probably spent playing with shiny new stuff bought from the gold rush, but the shine wore off i wouldn't doubt that there were people who left after segregation ended tho since im pretty sure other districts got flooded with lower level golds trying to "escape" cheaters
  17. the community is being nice and giving sexual chocolate the attention they're always so desperate for
  18. it looks like the biggest chunk left after gold rush ended but before segregation ended, and didnt bother to come back until the xmas events
  19. vsb

    Cyrillic is a problem

    take me back to the days of IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII names
  20. vsb

    Cyrillic is a problem

    it’s more of a selfish option tbh, i just want to name my characters unreadable stuff
  21. vsb

    Cyrillic is a problem

    option 3: let everyone use any special characters in names and clan names
  22. if you already own a bunch of armas weapons or think you will purchase many in the future i'd recommend the 3slot osmaw just because its unique to the joker store
  23. low yields werent changed at all in this patch and the resupply changes still allow you to resupply up to 4 low yields from a single box, so i have no idea where you're getting these numbers from
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