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Everything posted by SLICKIEM

  1. Which one is straight up better at running APB (more FPS, less stuttering)? Taking into account all variants of the consoles, like Xbox One X and PS4 Slim.

    Suddenly crashes?

    Hmmm, I re-installed the game completely and it stopped crashing me. Zero today so far.
  3. Exaaaaaactly, I'm glad you understand
  4. Even though I have hundreds of every consumable, this thought pounds in my head whenever I think of tapping 4.

    Suddenly crashes?

    Anyone else randomly start getting VERY frequent crashes? I play for like 10 to 30 minutes and I crash. This NEVER happened before in all the years I played. Edit: Not posting in bug report section because I want to hear what other people have to say about it (and if they have it), e.g. social


    Oooooh, Got'em
  7. Kevlar having damage resistance instead of extra HP makes a lot of sense, like @Szambi posted above. That alone would make Kevlar a competitive green mod.
  8. You have to keep in mind that hitboxes are giant rectangles, regardless of player height and width. It's very easy to land EVERY shot with N-tec even out to 70m with Hunting Sight 3 as long as you tap-fire consistently, or use some min-max burst pattern. Just aim for the center of the rectangle when possible. Some people are even able to use SHAW full-auto at 60 - 70m and land a lot of hits. That's requiring a LOT of experience, though.
  9. And do you think topics like this will help anything? If people don't wanna play, they don't wanna play. It's better than when G1 owned it, and that's all that matters. Give it time, I expect in 6 months to a year we'll have triple the current players.
  10. I remember this was done really well for Oldschool Runescape by a guy named Chris Archie. It included voiced commentary before each clip, roughly explaining the clip and leaving the twist out for you to see for yourself, with credits given at the end of video with links in description. I liked his videos a lot, maybe check em out and see if you can get some good ideas from them.
  11. Old lazerbeam SHAW was a real riot to use. It's still probably one of my favorite weapons, a real challenge to handle the current recoil. Feels really good when you can overcome that recoil. I also enjoy OSCAR quite a bit.
  12. That's because Xbox Live requires you to pay for multiplayer regardless. PSN is free, unless you get PS+. Maybe if there were Xbox Live Platinum or something more expensive than Gold, it would get more amenities like PS+ does.
  13. @MattScott Keep up the great work, despite all the people complaining about you/your efforts, you and your company are literally the best thing that has happened to this game since RTW. Keep on truckin'.
  14. This whole weapon balance situation is just quibbles. It changes nearly nothing in the grand scheme of things. What would really help is better DDoS mitigation, which will take quite some time. Better servers aren't really an issue if you have great mitigation, since the servers are pretty decent for the current playerbase. Better servers would only help if they decide to run an ad campaign or something to bring back a few thousand more players, for example. In which case you'd probably see a tutorial revamp directly prior to the upgrade.
  15. Actually a pretty good suggestion. Maybe it should be a car modification, a red mod or something.
  16. 8/10, sounds like really good montage music or something
  17. I get that you made an account to complain about the shredder, but check yourself before you rekt yourself its not that OP . Got'eem
  18. Exactly. Sometimes I'll shoot 6 shots from N-TEC, and 4 hitmarkers will show yet the opponent is dead without assist. Usually all hitmarkers show but I don't really pay attention to them anyways. This has been the case for a long long time for me
  19. I have seen people go monkey mode and just move left and right blasting that gun and doing shit load of damage. The guy just a/d while not being in marks man and blasted me away. Marksman mode movement speed is very high on that weapon, quick A/D tap strafing is almost indiscernible between MM and non-MM with guns like that. Even more so with Mobility Sling. Hipfire is only useful in 10m and closer, any further and RNG will screw you out of a kill if you hipfire. Shredder isn't OP, people are just seeing it's intended use for the first time, coupled with the fact that everyone's trying out shotguns because of the patch, which creates the illusion people swapped to "crutch weapons". Shotguns should be deadly and hard hitting out to 25m. Hell, Whisper holds it's damage all the way out to 50m. Trust me, the shotgun craze will die out soon. It'd be the same song and dance if you saw 80% of everyone using carbines.
  20. You do realize that scrollshooting often results in overfiring, ending up with missing bullets server-side right? It requires just as much effort to time correctly as pressing LMB (which isn't hard in the first place, just shoot a wall for a little bit). Not to mention, it's very awkward to track opponents while your finger is doing that strange motion.
  21. How dare YOU, sir... Did you just assume my SIRhood?
  22. You installed with Steam, so logpath he is askin for would be: *steam directory*\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Logs Sort files in that folder by time modified, and give to him the most recent
  23. If you wanna play with/make some friends - just ask or PM someone. People here might seem troll-ish sometimes and standoffish but we're all people after all!
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