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About owzzy

  • Rank
    On the verge of insanity

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  1. Still waiting for the obir nerf and more thumper buffs : - )
  2. +1 for these. To add to this, more 4x4 variants of cars. There's already a 'rally varzuga' in the game but it's not customisable. Also add unusual effects for hats like in TF2
  3. Buff Cisco, buff ISSR-a, buff Thumper, buff Cobr-a. ty Edit: And give us account bound CBMP "Arrow"
  4. This man is high on the drug called 'APB'.
  5. guess it was just me rockin a garbage tier monitor back then haha
  6. I suspect the problem is the resolution increase over the years. Back in 2012~ you'd be rockin' a 1024x768 monitors that didn't require the game to push many pixels. Nowadays you've got people with 1080p all the way up the 4k (8k too but who actually plays apb on that). I see people with less powerful setups than me getting 144 constant but I suspect that's because they're not playing native 3440x1440 which leads me to believe it's dependent on resolution. Just my 2 cents anyway.
  7. Just disable OPGL I think, it's the only super oppressive and annoying explosive imho. It has way too much ammo so it can just be spammed which is the main problem with explosives in FC. With the osmaw, 9 times out of 10 you'll survive and they're an easy kill. EOLs don't 1 hit you and tbh they're all kinda garbage anyway. With the stun opgl, it's awkward because it's a bit spammy but then it also has like no ammo compared to the normal opgl. Plus you also have to go and arrest the dude you just stunned and you'll probably be dead before you can get there.
  8. @Sakebee Can you tell us if the Thumper is getting buffed?
  9. If you really cared this much about being griefed, record them griefing you/the mission/others and send it directly Little Orbit support. They WILL handle it; just make sure your video evidence shows exactly what they are doing.
  10. current districts struggle to remain full at times, so adding another district will either not make any difference, or make things even worse.
  11. I second this, the game is on its last legs so this would actually make the game a little bit more enjoyable.
  12. Cobr-a with RS3/Bando3/Tagger I maxed demolitions role with the kickback + frog and I've gotten to rank 5 demolitions with deep impact + 45 on another character. So much fun.
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