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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. ugh where to start... There is matchmaking. Matchmaking works as intended. Adding 1 or 100 more threat colors or categories will have no impact in your in game experience. The problem with matchmaking is the number of players matchmaking has to pick from when trying to find you opp. 40 players max. Subtract those already in missions. Subtract those in group sizes too large for matchmaking to pair. Subtract those also waiting for opp while unopposed in a mission. This is the problem with matchmaking. Should we ever get matchmaking across the entire player base and not just within a district, you should see some improvement. APB would still have a tiny overall player base to choose from compared to popular games, but it'd at least be better than the 40 we have now.
  2. Im not sure how this is going to help with testing, but I guess some will find it "fun". Not me though, I hate everything.
  3. Because bounty sucks. Why would I want to be playing a mission, having fun, only to have some pleasant fellow not in my mission come stomping through and throwing any semblance of balance out the fucking window. Don't even get me started on capping a point in OT, only to have some mong not in my mission suddenly go N5/P5 next to me, costing me the mission. Absolutely dumb af system. Still is even with the change. Also, if you are getting bounty in bronze, its time to move to silver. (assuming they ever return seg)
  4. lol who tf even does this? I don't know a single player that does this. Aside from abandoning VIP or Creme de la Crime (because they are just no fun missions), or abandoning missions with bronzies (because who wants to be involved in a mission where you pick on the disabled), I don't know anyone who is only willing to play defense. That's just silly.
  5. "Farewell old friend" -me retiring the Strife to my locker for good
  6. This is a poor matchmaking issue I think. Not an issue with /abandonmission. Removing this ability won't fix the main problem. (imo)
  7. Advanced Launcher and Steam still work fine for me.
  8. Zero players on my ignore list. I don't understand people these days.
  9. If anyone new is actually reading this, you need to know two things. 1: prices are constantly fluctuating 2: just because you see a weapon listed for a certain price, doesn't mean people are paying that amount
  10. The biggest issue I have with the bounty system is it allows players not in my mission to fuck with my mission. Nothing like capping a point in overtime only to have some mong standing next to you who is NOT in your mission suddenly go N5/P5 and killing you, costing you the mission. Same goes for ANY time an out of mission player interferes with your mission. Outside of the bounty system, this behavior is known as giriefing and is both reportable and actionable. And yet, the bounty system is currently designed to allow it. That isn't balance, that is broken.
  11. I can't believe I need to tell you this Hex, but this is a support issue. The forums cannot help you. Now, for a little teasing... Imagine thinking that because a thing happens, it is allowed. Removed derogatory language ~@mayii
  12. EU could have a million players... matchmaking still only has 40 players at a time to choose from.
  13. This is my fav Bloodhound skin in APEX btw...
  14. While I also like the stylized versions... this one super creeps me out.
  15. I support this, but only if it looks like one of the real masks.
  16. Why are you pretending you play with the golds? You are a self admitted dethreater (threat "manipulator" was your wording)... you've said as much on these very forums. Though I would LOVE to hear the names of these gold players you "mop the floor with". Cuz I for one don't think Ive ever seen you in a silver district.
  17. Im afraid you wont find much sympathy for that.
  18. I feel their pain, my routing gives me 170ms from Chicago.
  19. Very nice work. Im glad LO has this to look though.
  20. In most games its because players want to be able to customize their gaming experience. In APB though, it is mostly to do with the game performing terribly by modern standards. The in game options are minimal, and don't allow most players to have an enjoyable experience. The advanced launcher (as well as configs that edit the same files as the launcher) allow more players to enjoy the game, or at least to reduce the frustrations of frame drops, stuttering, and freezing. If you yourself don't experience these things, don't notice them, or aren't bothered by them I am very happy for you. But APB is notorious for running completely differently on different machines, and for most of us... it runs like shit. On the bright side, the new engine will contain all of the stuff the advanced launcher allows, but those options will then be built into the game.
  21. If you are reacting to the radar instead of being shot repeatedly... Well I don't even know what to say to that.
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