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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Which do you expect makes it more likely for a gold player to get lower threat opp, by grouping with bronze and silver teammates? Or by playing with gold teammates? Because if you don't want them stomping lower threat players, don't yell at them for not playing with lower threat players.
  2. Maybe we can fix the stats on the Kris and Fang while we are at it?
  3. Can I use my original application that never got a response even though the CM promised to respond to everyone?
  4. Definitely stick with what works for you. Ive just never heard someone bad mouth the N-ISSR-B before.
  5. You silly person... lets swap cards.
  6. As an actual RTX owner, I ask you to please stop.
  7. Imagine pretending that you own a 2080ti, but giving away the lie by not knowing you can't run APB on max with an RTX card without getting OOM errors. This guy should just stop.
  8. How have you played for so long yet remained so incredibly misinformed? I dunno where you get your info or perspective from, but you should stop.
  9. And yet you have a problem with the advanced launcher and configs... the very things allowing a large portion of those players to enjoy the game. Logic/10
  10. On the one hand, people complain about Golds stomping on lower threat players. On the other hand, golds get shit talked for abandoning missions with lower threat players. Reminder that the community agrees on nothing.
  11. Reminder that OG APB closed down in less than 3 months. Reminder that when APB relaunched less than 10% of players returned. Not sure how much we should be hanging on to those versions of the game.
  12. Why is it always the ones with the lowest amount of knowledge on a subject that are the loudest?
  13. Game goes down every Wednesday even when its only maintenance. This has been the case for years. Come on guys.
  14. It is going to be hard to take anything you say seriously after reading this. First off Im just a player homie, I can't offer you anything. I've been playing for many years now, so I don't expect anything more than the norm from players... that is for players to do nothing but complain. I also don't expect players to pay enough attention to see that no one agrees on anything in regards to balance.
  15. Its more like comparing the COBR-A to the Euryale... or you know, a shitty gun to a good one.
  16. wym, the New Glory IS worse than the Ursus and it DOES sell for more OCSP Joker is literally the same as the other OCSP but sells for several times as much. Its almost like greater rarity = higher value.
  17. So Sakebee means "missions" when they say "games"? As in they will just be playing the game as a normal player? Not sure how that's going to help from a testing perspective either. Welp... Here's to hoping this goes better than the last time a CM played with us.
  18. Are other weapons disabled? Cuz that WOULD be sweet. Though even then, with an entire district shooting the same person, Im not sure what data you are getting from that.
  19. Testing IS being done internally. Unfortunately, there isn't much to be done about players not caring enough to test or offer feedback.
  20. Im realizing now that its not as obvious as I thought that this was sarcasm. Even if I disagree with the Strife changes, I dont believe these new numbers will have any real effect on the gun in-game. The only thing rarer than having opp with Fragile, is actually pulling off the one shot on them. Of course it was fun, but I feel like players are reacting as if this was THE reason to use the gun, and on that I disagree.
  21. Im trying to behave a bit better on the forums, so Instead of reiterating the same disagreements over and over, I try to focus on something on which we agree. Im a proponent of visible numeric values for threat. Ive nothing against overall categorization (or even adding to our current divisions), but Id love to be able to see my actual rating. Something like SR in Overwatch to use a common example. I feel like it would make it easier to track your progress or lack thereof. As is you only get visual confirmation of change when you switch between colors, which for some players, is never.
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