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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I suppose it would be silly to expect the game to suddenly succeed without changing anything. I guess Im just worried that in making the game successful, it will become something I no longer enjoy.
  2. While I personally don't have a problem with the heavy HVR, I do recognize that there is a widespread dislike for this weapon's viability at all ranges given its high damage output. I personally dont play it because I find more success using other weapons, and I assure you Im sweaty af when I play, so Im not just avoiding the HVR for any moral reasons, and a nerf to it wouldnt affect me in any real way.
  3. These guns have what are called "situational advantages" over one another. The OCA starts with a slighty faster ttk 0.64 vs 0.68 for the csg, but ttk isnt everything. If you are playing either the csg or the jg correctly, you are utilizing cover so as to minimize exposure to your enemy thereby taking advantage of the shotguns' inherent burst damage quality. Or in other words, you dont have to expose yourself long enough for OCA to kill you. This is especially advantageous in defense scenarios where you can exploit cover. But to counter that advantag, this only works with perfect aim. Slight mistakes can turn a 2 shot kill into a 3 or even 4 shot kill increasing your overall time of exposure.
  4. I dont really care either way about the nudity, but it just feels good to know the community has been heard.
  5. While full districts are nice to see, it is a little worrying that new districts arent spinning up.
  6. I guess I've just been too busy actually playing the game to notice the street lights. But now that it has been brought to my attention... yeah, I still dont care.
  7. ntec-5 > ntec-7 ... just saying
  8. Please, dont change anything. The guns are fine. You just have to be willing to adjust your playstyle to your opp's loadout. I honestly believe this. And no, I never use the Ogre, the Yukon, or the Volcano as I feel they are unnecessary. I also very rarely touch the heavy HVR. All my opinion of course.
  9. Im a sweaty solo queue player. So its pioneer or gtfo for me. ... hey, at least Im being honest.
  10. Thanks for the clarification. Whatever our individual stances might be, it is nice to know we are being heard.
  11. I kinda like things the way they are. ... just saying
  12. No Advertising Promoting your website, Twitch/Youtube channel or other services such as referral links by posting topics or DMing members (signature promotion is allowed) That being said, did you just assume our gender? All jokes aside, I do recommend this discord. It is by far the largest there is for APB, and allows for an easy way to contact LO staff.
  13. Yeah the few banned players Ive seen back in game all have something other than "cheats" as their ban category. Not to say none of them cheated, but just that cheating wasnt what actually got them banned. As far as actual cheaters, what we think is irrelevant as LO has decided to give them another chance... " So yes , we are going to unban a majority of the playerbase. Not all, because there were definitely bans based on things like credit-card fraud and other things. But specifically, the bulk of them ba nned for "cheat", we are going to give the community the second chance it needs. It's not going to happen immediately, because we won't do it until the anticheat is updated and the new patch with battleye comes out. But once it does, most of the playerbase should be unbanned."
  14. Im getting used to the new look. Im old, and change is scary, but Im getting there.
  15. Matt also said that the process of threat change needs to take longer, presumeably both going up and going down in threat. I assume the hope is that this will make the process of intentional dethreating more trouble than it is worth, as well as making it less likely you threat up after a few lucky matches. We will see though.
  16. ayyyyyy! salt in the wound bruh... salt in the wound
  17. tfw you've given away some $30 million in legendaries cuz you figured you could always buy more... then LO comes around and craps all over you
  18. Why is there a tax anyways? I didn't take economics. Can someone explain?
  19. So this is the new forum huh?
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