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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Im not sure I understand what you are saying. But there is a reason you see so many ntec / cr5 / sword in the game. It is an incredibly versatile and accurate weapon in the right hands. Hitting a zig-zagging target is not hard to do. Oh, and just in case you were trying to say the fire rate was hacked, that is also server sided.
  2. oof... touche Just so you know, the ntec doesnt really have a lot of recoil to begin with... Its not a Yukon or even an m1922. Also, things like base accuracy, rng, and bloom are all server sided, whereas all cheats are client sided. This means those things (base accuracy, rng, and bloom) cannot be affected by cheats.
  3. Again, there were plenty of BRs on today. Where do you even get this xenophobic nonsense from? Check the old ffbans pages, Jericho bans are mostly Americans, even in disproportionate numbers when compared to in game demographics. Jeez maybe loosen your MAGA hat a bit, I think its cutting off the flow of blood to your brain. What you probably noticed today was the larger number of english speakers on cuz guess what... cheating bans were overturned today. LUL
  4. Oh man... I havent had an ice cream sandwich in forever. Damnit now I have to go to the store. I'll get you for this!
  5. What? I played with Brazilians all day long.
  6. Why does everyone want to change their names?
  7. Crap me too... thanks Lemur! On a side note, I will also vouch for this fine young gentleman.
  8. Im sorry but if you've given Kemp any money, Im afraid he cannot vouch for you.
  9. Yeah like my good friend and soon to be second place in the likes race said... if anyone should be IP blocked from games, its the Americans. (sorry didnt wanna spend more than a couple minutes searching for stats)
  10. Both hardware and software macros are and have always been bannable. Use them at your own risk.
  11. I cant believe Im going to say this, but I agree with Ray. I would really like a box to tick for "no themes".
  12. Why do you think the North American servers are English only?
  13. Oh I remember the BR#1 days. We all used to spam chat with that, I know I did. Was good times. But regardless, they are your fellow players, I suggest you try to get to know some of them. You might find you have more in common than you think.
  14. Two things, well three actually... 1. Jerich is an NA server not an American server, so expect to at least see English Spanish and French in chat 2. The Br's saved Jericho, which was a freaking ghost town until they arrived. I for one, am glad to have them. 3. Jericho bronze district appears to be majority Brazillian anyways, so really you are the minority, not them. The BR's were invited to Jericho by the owners of the game. Sorry but you get no say in this. Stop being so xenophobic, if you really have that much of a problem with Portuguese, you can always turn off district chat. Problem solved.
  15. Sorry @Lixil I had to step away. Please close this thread if you could, Ive sent a ticket to support, which is what I should have done in the first place. Sorry for starting this poop storm.
  16. Listen friend. You simply do not know what you are talking about. You have no idea what I was banned for or if I was guilty, and by acting like this you are only making a fool of yourself. You also have no idea how many people were unjustly banned, none of us do. All we know is what Matt Scott said, which was that it was "a lot",and that it was enough that he felt the only right thing to do was unban everyone. Please, eat a snickers, take a nap, have a fap, and try to calm down. And never try to sound smarter than you are when you post, its completely transparent and makes us all cringe.
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