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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. That's great I guess, but even then you'd never know if it was a macro or someone simply clicking their mouse.
  2. I too am often frustrated by the mail limit, so I use the MP instead... or trade.
  3. Instead of complaining, please give your stats on balance changes.
  4. I like those guys. Especially if Im on one of my low rank characters.
  5. You didnt get banned for a VPN, you didnt get banned for password software. If you were banned, had your ban reviewed and stayed banned... you did whatever LO says you did. Don't come on here and blatantly lie. It's lies like this that undermine confidence in not just the anti-cheat, but LO as well.
  6. ... maybe Jokes aside, I've mostly been playing crim lately. I get owned sometimes, but I've not felt like someone was cheating. I'm not saying there are no cheaters, just that I personally haven't felt the need to report someone in months.
  7. Luckily I play Jericho. I cant even name a sus player.
  8. Is this a dethreater comment? Or are you saying gold players in groups killed the game?
  9. My guess is it went like this: Should we fix this? Why? (silence)
  10. Want me to send you a mouse? If you have a P.O. Box I'll mail you a free mouse. But you really gotta learn how to talk to people.
  11. Female ringer t. Best item in the game.
  12. Please understand these are just opinions. Kemp has his, I have mine, and you have yours. This is why discussion is important... everyone has their own perspective. For me the B wasn't OP it was just more versatile than (imo) it should have been.
  13. If you wanna pretend its that simple, then sure.
  14. more range and/or a faster ttk we just went over this
  15. Im not saying you suck, but you are playing at a lower level than a lot of players. That's not at all what we are talking about.
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