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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Maybe it's punishment for abusing a broken game mechanic and ram raiding in empty districts. Jokes aside, why aren't you just making and selling clothing, Money? That has to be a faster way for you to make some cash.
  2. Messing with shaders is fine til 3.5 This was revealed in a private conversation between Matt and a player. Forum rules prevent us from posting private conversations or we would.
  3. Can you really increase from constant? The number of participants for the tests reflect this as well. It is for everyone. But it makes more sense to think of what could appealed to perhaps thousands of new players rather than what will keep the remaining 400+ average players happy since as stated that isn't enough players to keep the game from shutting down. There is a point for any project at which adding more people does not help.
  4. Maybe they are just waiting for some unknown number of complaint threads.
  5. Some good ideas in this thread. I really hope it gets looked at. I'd add on but I'm too tired to have this conversation for the millionth time.
  6. Probably when it's ready. Just a guess though don't hold me to it.
  7. Sorry, but you lost me at ^_^
  8. Yes. It's a pain to download and install another client. Most players just want to play the game. Some players aren't interested in RIOT. But that's ok. RIOT isn't for us. Which makes sense as their aren't Enough of us left to keep the game alive anyways. RIOT is one part of a plan to be able to advertise APB to a new generation of players. Again, different teams for different projects. RIOT and 3.5 aren't sharing resources. But then you would have an unfinished version of RIOT. That's possible. I don't know anything about LOs finances or at which point they would call it quits so I cannot say. I'm not sure why RIOT will effect server performance or the number for DDoS attacks.
  9. I'm just shocked that out of nearly 1,000 applications we only have a handful of GMs. Now we average 400+ players a day and they are taking applications again? I guess you can only blindly deny so many applications while giving your friends positions before you have to actually take things seriously. Hopefully it's not too late. Oh and P.S. remember how the first time around applicants were told that accepted or denied, all players would be given a response? And that inquiring about your application would be a dark mark on you? Well apparently that turned into "we don't have time to copy paste replies, so if you didn't get a response you got denied". For whatever reasons this was NEVER explained to the community, so in case you were among the hundreds of players wondering why you never got a reply, now you know. And hey, at least it saves you the trouble of wasting your time by applying again.
  10. You can only polish the mode so much with the few players joining testing. As stated, season 1 RIOT is hopefully going to be released alongside 3.5. Good news then, you will not be forced to play it.
  11. Hey @Cyphered can we just go ahead an get a thread merge? Save us all from having to repeat ourselves.
  12. Different people are working on different thing. The folks working on RIOT were not pulled from 3.5. As far as 3.5 is concerned there comes a point where putting more people into a project will not help. What is being released of RIOT is the pre-season version. This will be an unfinished and unpolished version of the game mode. While waiting for 3.5 to be ready, changes will still be made to RIOT in the hopes of getting it ready for Season 1 at the same time as 3.5's release. (Which will then be advertised) Will any of this work? Well that I cannot say. What I can tell you is the current population doesn't matter as much as bringing in new players. Those of us left could never keep the game afloat no matter how much new content was thrown up on ARMAS. Returning players also matter less than new players. Those who left over the years have not only moved on to new things, but they've also grown older. What entertained them at 16 will likely not be the same thing that entertains them at 25. This isn't to say some old players won't come back, but to put it simply... The new current player pool represents only hundreds of players, the old player pool thousands. The new player pool dwarfs them both by comparison. Just something to keep in mind when thinking about the decisions being made by LO.
  13. I've been in the hospital the past few days, but there was a new private cheat released last week, so if there's been any uptick in cheaters that's likely why. As others have stated, if apb had more than the average 400+ players on daily it wouldn't seem so bad. But to use Jericho as an example, if there is one cheater in the only playable silver district, it can ruin the day of every player of the opposing faction. And that's just 1 cheater. As our population gets smaller and smaller every week, cheaters become more and more of a problem, even if they don't increase in number. (Though at times they do increase). As with nearly every problem APB has, low population is at it's core. Every anti-cheat will have a reaction period with new cheats that allows players to get away with cheating for that period of time. I'm no anti-cheat coding expert so I can't say if others would out-perform BE when it comes to APB (every game is different and all that). I do wish LO could have gone the route of paid professional GM's trained to actually help, but they did not and I have no way of knowing if what I'd prefer was feasible. So for now at least, we are stuck with GMs that at least when it comes to cheaters, are completely useless. It's not their fault, they aren't given a choice in what their powers are. Uhh.... Meds are kicking in so I'mma stop rambling for now.
  14. I'm just glad some people think we still get new players.
  15. You will not get banned for this. DMs and mail with staff have confirmed as much. Even shaders are fine til 3.5. If not for the forum rules I would post the proof for all of this. Perhaps poke Matt yourself.
  16. You are missing the point. This isn't about telling people they can't ram raid. This isn't telling people they can't do stunts. This isn't about telling someone they can't grab 20 friends and a garbage truck and just drive around for 2 hours doing nothing. This is only about asking either LO to take action, or to ask that players please take these activities to districts where people aren't trying to do missions, in order to allow players who do want to do missions to have an opportunity to do so. It's basically asking people to not be dickheads. To think of their fellow players, or even better for LO to ask for us.
  17. This was reported to support. If you have been paying attention you know support isn't exactly fast. Reporting on the forums for an issue like this can see action taken faster.
  18. Hackers make cheats, hackers make DDoS. Therefore all hackers are the same person. Hacker man bad!
  19. The only fake golds are those who get it in bronze districts. The rest are real.
  20. As often as you will see him apologizing for missing dates. Exact or not, all nearly every milestone have been missed.
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