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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Then yes. They should immediately shut down Fallen Earth and APB "from a business point".
  2. They could close down both money pits right now, buy profitable games, or focus instead on Unsung Story and Descent, and yet they do not. Perhaps a little gratitude is in order?
  3. What makes you think they couldn't? The bought Gamersfirst, APB and FE were just part of the deal. (Don't forget Unsung Story and Descent either) If they didn't think FE was worth it, they would have shut it down. But I guess you hadn't considered that.
  4. I cannot say if Matt's opinion is the same or different from yours.
  5. the WHY is the same for both dead games... revival of worthwhile IPs
  6. I can't even begin to understand the frustrations of console players. G1 pushed out a ridiculously under performing product, and then just abandoned it. The game to this day is barely playable, and even that is up for debate. That being said, I would never compare Little Orbit to the G1 we all remember and hate. Little Orbit cares. Matt cares. The employees of Little Orbit are currently working themselves to death trying for fix the ridiculous mess they acquired. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be frustrated. Hell, Im lucky enough to play on PC and even Im frustrated with the state of things. But please, never confuse the intentions of Little Orbit with those of old G1... they are the only chance we have of this game surviving. All I would ask, is the next time you are rightfully pissed off about poor performance, or the inability to log in, or slow support... remember that there is a dedicated team of maniacs doing all they can to achieve what no other company would have even considered... trying to save this game.
  7. If profitability or lack thereof is your criteria for whether or not LO should continue work on a game, then I've got some bad news for you. APB has likely not turned a profit for almost 3 years at this point, and our population is lower than ever. For players to suggest abandoning FE in order to save APB is pretty messed up. If LO was that kind of company, both FE and APB would have been shut down on day 1. But both because LO sees potential in these games, and more importantly because Matt seems to feel that not abandoning the few of us who still play both games is THE RIGHT THING TO DO, these game continue to operate. We are ALL very lucky that Little Orbit isn't your typical company. Very lucky indeed. The fact that some players would encourage them to abandon the very qualities that keep them working on both games is just god damn ridiculous. Shame on you. Shame on you all.
  8. Golds who play in bronze are fucking losers (forgive my language), I wouldn't worry to much about what they say.
  9. Damn.... so much info, so many memes. RIP old forums.
  10. I still say all themes sound like the demo on a 1980's casio Keyboard, even those made pre-2014
  11. Realtalk though, I do have VintMint Im quite fond of... but I only hear it if Im on that character when an update replaces the instrument library.
  12. I will concede I was not around for the Golden Age of themes.
  13. Oh they are still quite viable, you just have to use them differently now.
  14. hey, if you are into that 80's Casio keyboard sound... more power to you
  15. Nope. Honestly Im surprised anyone plays APB without first deleting the Instruments folder.
  16. Yeah, could be anything really, blood spatters are client side so they aren't always accurate. Then again if you weren't fully scoped in that could be the issue as well.
  17. I store all my unused themes / symbols in my mail. Not a great solution, but it works.
  18. Chances are you missed or one shot didn't register.
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