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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Not to mention it would just be amazing to win or lose fights based on skill instead of RNG.
  2. Sorry, I should have added (sarcasm). That's crazy that they just gave out codes too. Lol
  3. I'm just shocked this heavily derailed thread is still open. This dude is not going to stop arguing... ever.
  4. Friendly reminder that LO has most likely been running APB at a loss for over a year now.
  5. Is this hyperbole? Or did you not check the math before posting?
  6. This is what happens when people confuse opinion with fact... leads to a less than productive conversation.
  7. Hey cut Mitne some slack, not only is he Polish, but he's a dragon as well. Frankly I'm impressed he can communicate with us at all!
  8. Can we at least get a district set up like this? I dunno how much it would help population, but God damn this would be a fun version of APB!
  9. I'm sure it will work out fine. We'll have the same GMs from the Autumn Assault asking players nicely to not win repeatedly.
  10. I think I finally understand the whole "special snowflake" thing now. So this thread wasn't COMPLETELY useless.
  11. Shit... It's going the be the Yukon all over again isn't it?
  12. Agreed. Participation trophies for everyone.
  13. You get out of here with your facts! But to answer your question, yes. I guess we can hope that JMBs were never a big source of income.
  14. Can't wait to have to pay a monthly fee for APB all because little Johnny can't stop buying JMB and refuses to take responsibility for his own choices.
  15. I still say LO should pass out participation trophies for all the snowflakes who think they deserve prizes just for existing. Rare rewards are cool.
  16. What if rage is what fuels you? Jk, good post and good advice.
  17. Yes, as with any game if you do not meet the minimum system requirements the game will not perform well. That's obvious, but your advice of recommending at least a 1070 is absolute nonsense. Bruh you need to calm down. Your tilt is affecting your logic. It's the same standard as anyone else. Literally. Break the ToS, get punished. I've not done that so tough feminine features.
  18. I'm not sure what's funnier, the fact that you've equated rank with skill, or the fact that you admit to reporting players for cheating simply because they were earning N5/P5. Is this bait? Are you trolling us? If nothing else maybe LO will read this and redirect all your reports right into the trash. Had a gtx970 die on me and used an old gtx770 for a few weeks. Zero change in performance. I then swapped the gtx770 out for an OC'd rtx2060. Zero change in performance. APB cares next to nothing for your GPU.
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