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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. So I recently got some friends to try APB. I'm a gold player so I was not able to help them learn the game. Within 2 weeks every person I persuaded to try APB had uninstalled. Every single one had the same complaint, "How am I supposed to learn the game playing against nothing but fully kitted out Vets?". This is a complain we hear often, and normally its one I just shrug off and ignore as a sort of "add it to the pile" type complaint. But these friends of mine were all very competent gamers, and all are very experienced with shooters, so I thought to myself, "Is it really that bad?". Well today I made a smurf account and decided to find out. Bronze district should be ashamed of itself... The first and most obvious thing I noticed was the VAST number of players who had absolutely no business in the beginner district. That's right, bronze is the beginner district. If you start playing APB, the only district where you can learn the game is bronze. And yet, every match was stocked with players who have hundreds if not thousands of hours in game just stomping on new players. Using all the r195+ mods, rocking legendaries, and just going fucking HAM on any noob they find. These are the players killing the game, the ones who have done more damage than hackers, and they should all be ashamed of themselves. Just like us, they know they don't belong there, but since there are apparently no consequences to doing so, I guess I cant really blame them solely. Why in god's name is LO doing nothing about it? Just as common as the player who has no business being in bronze seemed to be the dethreater. Nearly every single match I played had at least one player dethreating. Just getting one kill, and feeding their opp. Getting one kill and unequipping all weapons. Chatting in /d about dethreating.... admitting to it openly. Dethreating is not the exception in bronze district, but rather the rule. Players dethreat as if its a normal part of the game and for some reason Little Orbit does nothing about it. At this point we've had well over a thousand players apply for GM positions, and yet, you never see them online and even if you do, they don't even seem to have the authority to do anything about dethreaters... Not even a kick for players openly admitting to doing so. This all occurred during roughly a 4 hour (FBW only to make it more fair) play session on this smurf account. I have to say I was appalled. I cant imagine there is any new player retention at this point. This has been an obvious problem for years now, long before LO took over, and yet to this day nothing is done about it. Its depressing really. tl;dr APB has no place for new players because neither the player base nor LO will let them have one.
  2. Fabio > Horses > motorcycles
  3. CookiePuss


    That's some tin foil hat stuff right there.
  4. This thread is why support times are so high. Just imagine the number of false cheat reports sent in every day.
  5. You can always quit playing. But you won't, and that's how I know your statement is B.S.
  6. CookiePuss


    Just be glad none play on our server.
  7. How have you not seen Battle Royale? Lemme guess, Hunger Games fan?
  8. NGL.... I didn't even know this was as a thing. People actually care about this achievement?
  9. Friendly reminder that had LO not shown up, APB would have shut down completely.
  10. Doesn't Fortnite have like 120,000,000 players? Must be doing something right.
  11. Another, and it's called phasing and has been planned for over a year now.
  12. I just use the Nvidia control panel to run AA. Works fine.
  13. Looks like waterfront has pop. Been this way for over a year.
  14. How weird is it that there's apparently a ton of cheaters and yet, even playing daily I haven't seen a single one? Guess I'm just lucky.
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