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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. lol... you may have added an extra zero there m8
  2. I dunno how people can say that considering most players are silver. It may be easy for you and I, but that's just anecdotal.
  3. Just thought Id mention since Ive been saying we don't have any. Turns out tbot is pretty OP with the Thunder.
  4. CookiePuss

    My trade lock error

    Unfortunately, only support can help you.
  5. I certainly agree on this. Would be cool if upon logging in you had to take the poll to enter a district. ... I wonder if that's possible? Then again, I'm not sure players know better than Devs. I recently read an interesting article on that issue... https://www.vg247.com/2019/07/12/game-developers-time-stop-listening-fans/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  6. Gave it the Yood treatment. Люди до сих пор не понимают, что LO не получал ни копейки от людей, которые потратили деньги на Innova, и что размещение сервера стоит денег для LO, и что они не получают прибыль от этого. Также любая другая компания просто закрыла бы сервер и ничего не делала. Может быть, я должен написать это по-русски, чтобы люди поняли это?
  7. The issue with "unique accounts" is that it doesn't exactly equate to "unique players" as many of us have more than one account.
  8. Just wanted to remind folks that polls are useless. probably, I dunno... math is hard
  9. If a mod sees this, feel free to close the thread. We got a good response from Matt, no reason for us to keep arguing til the end of time.
  10. Remember there are 10 levels of the different colors. Silver 10 isn't very different from Gold 1.
  11. You forgot the most important stat. <10% of the community voted
  12. Could we maybe find a way to only let my opp use car surfer? I need to pad my threat level.
  13. The reality remains unchanged. The pop is at an all time low. And the poor new player experience is a big reason why. Saying "too bad" won't fix that.
  14. Just going to quote myself in the hopes that this thread stays on topic.
  15. Yes, their experience wasn't enjoyable enough to stay. This is the problem we are addressing in the hopes of keeping the game from shutting down.
  16. I believe @Nitronik has a very good idea for that.
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