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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. The FAR has a faster ttk, a faster reload time, and is more accurate at the cost of 24 vs 32 rounds per mag.
  2. Agreed. N-TEC 5 is more fun to play, so people use it. Instead of making the gun LESS fun, maybe make some of the other guns MORE fun. I could be wrong of course, I dunno if "fun" is the end game for APB.
  3. you invite them to silver or I suppose you could smurf, just don't be a banana about it
  4. Thats gotta be a yes. Like they did with designer pack and KTTC pack owners for new symbols.
  5. Im pretty sure at least some of them know how to read.
  6. Because IR3 can actually be detrimental to the weapon. Base accuracy makes the gun all RNG by 50m... Pushing to 57m is largely pointless even when tap firing. The fact that IR also worsens bloom makes it a straight downgrade on the ATAC. So I end up with: HS3 - empty slot - MobSling I just throw HB1 in the middle for my OCD.
  7. Sometimes I put HB1 on the ATAC. Not because it helps, but I hate empty slots almost as much as red mods on the ATAC.
  8. Its not that you used the software, its what you did with it.
  9. Not to defend LO, but Twitch probably has resources that LO can only dream of.
  10. You lost me at min ttk at max range. Sorry, argument invalidated. ^this made me chortle
  11. the cr762 and the OBIR have the same range, the Obir also has more overdamage
  12. I used to think the UL-3 were garbage... until one day I faced a player who actually knew how to use his (Bloody Mary in this case). Through the the use of cover and by firing in bursts the gun changed in my eyes from a "useless beyond 5m" weapon, to one easily useable up to 25m-30m. Disclaimer, I still prefer the .45 AP and FBW-SD, but only because they better fit my play style.
  13. Just wanted to hop in and offer the suggestion for players to use Authy instead of Google Authenticator for 2fa so these situations can be avoided. With Authy if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, or simply replaced, you can download the app on another device, establish your identity and Bam! you are ready to go.
  14. I think this one would come from your therapist. ...I'm still waiting on mine too.
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