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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Any chance the glitching to win has been fixed? Or will we just be banning a bunch of people again?
  2. Very good point. If you have a JT1 (I think there's maybe an NFCP 1?) Then absolutely put IR3 on it.
  3. It will run for the usual two weeks regardless of when it starts I assume. So that's a least good.
  4. If I get time later, I'll give this a go.
  5. I apologize if I came across as mocking. Tact has never been my strong suit, but I promise that wasn't my intention. Though in the end, I will always prefer facts over anecdotal evidence. And btw, if a sniper is missing you while peaking, they aren't very good at sniping. Especially considering they have more time to react in your scenario vs mine, and snipers being nearly pixel perfect accurate. (This is important because the Oscar has a max damage drop-off range of just 42m if using IR3, so even a leaning target peaking is more than large enough to hit with any weapon other than shotguns) But as I said and as I always will tell people, if something works better for you, whether it's mod setup or a play style, then stick with it.
  6. The numbers are why the PMG is better at 40m. It's just more accurate than the OCA. 33cm @ 10m Vs 36cm @ 10m It's a bigger difference than ADS. I really hope you haven't been telling people to do this. Is this how you play pump shotguns as well? I mean if it works for you I suppose stick with it. But it's not the most effective way to use the weapon.
  7. For anyone reading this... Marksman mode gives you an accuracy value of 13.72cm @ 10m, while also giving you the movement speed penalty. Hipfire with Reflex Sight 3 gives you an accuracy value of 12.6cm @ 10m while not impeding movement speed at all. The gun is always more accurate with Reflex Sight. The player is always less accurate while ADS, as well as being a slower moving target. Always run Reflex Sight 3 (with IR3), never ADS. This is Oscar use 101.
  8. This statement make no actual sense. I you prefer to play the Oscar wrong, that's on you. Why you would ads around a corner rather than hipfire the corner shotguns style is beyond me, unless you just want to handicap yourself by being exposed for a longer period of time.
  9. It absolutely increases hipfire accuracy, that's literally what the mod does. In fact it improves hipfire accuracy more than ADS improves accuracy. The marksman modifier is 0.98, which is why there is never ever a reason to ADS. Reflex sight 3 on the other hand has a .90 modifier for hipfire accuracy, and since you should never ADS, has no downside.
  10. ikr? As if we all arent trying. Like Im just walking around firing my gun into the air.
  11. This is exactly true. Unless stationary, the gun is innacurate af.
  12. Obir with and without OTW cj: Oscar with and without OTW cj: If yo notice, the difference was much more pronounced with the Obir vs the Oscar
  13. Tryhard: anyone better than me at APB Seriously, this is what it means. "Im not bad, you are just a tryhad."
  14. Good point. We are getting a bit ahead of ourselves here.
  15. Because the ntec nerf swaps the order around. Now the real $ gun will be superior to the free one. So it's more about avoiding even more of a p2w scenario than anything.
  16. It does not share any of the unique scoped ntec stats. (It's better) Well maybe the damage drop-off (50-75 instead of 50-70)... I honestly don't remember.
  17. Its not for anything but closer ranges, where the cr762 is weakest. 7m more range is not nearly as beneficial, the gun is already powerful even at 100m
  18. On this I think most players would agree. There's really two categories of vehicles... The big 3 (Pioneer, Espacio, 4x4), and then everything else.
  19. Ok. In my opinion, the 4x4 is inferior to both the Espacio and the Pioneer. Also in my opinion, you should first look to the joker store for weapons you cannot get through normal progression. The Manic is a beastly SMG. ATAC is a fine if limited in range AR. The N-SSW is a mean as hell LMG. The ISSR-B is a borderline OP sniper. The .45 AP, if mastered is an insane secondary. Unfortunately all I can give is my opinion. I wish you luck in your decision.
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