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Everything posted by OCrazyGuyO

  1. That’s normal, considering you can’t even buy it on armas now
  2. As I remember, ursus is also classified into scoped ntec, so it will have 55m range, rip Obeya CR762
  3. Do I have to download the new beta client if I have the last beta client installed already?
  4. We definitely need some changes on the threat system before we loss more players due to broken match making. At this rate, I don’t believe this game can hold on until the engine update arrive. Now 1 gold player = 2 silver players, maybe change that number to 3 or 4 would help
  5. Omg, ty so much!! Why would they don’t do that at the first place ffs
  6. Download 9GB content with 278kb/s, good job!
  7. The funny part is they can’t even nerf it right. Shot modifier cap 2.0 to 2.1 rofl, wfc
  8. N-TEC-5 and N-TEC-Scope We have been seeing the N-TEC 5 being used more than we would like. We are slightly decreasing the spraying accuracy to help make room for other assault rifles. Shot Modifier Cap: 2.0 -> 2.1 So, it seems that developer of this game are really dedicated to break the ntec but they seem don't know how to do it, so here I am giving some suggestions on how to break the ntec Ntec have always been there even before you buff the Shot modifier Cap in the first weapon balance, so no matter how you change the modifier cap, ppl are still gonna use it because ppl are going for short bursts and tap fire and they would rarely reach the max spraying bloom. Here are some options to break the ntec: 1. Nerf the walk modifier - so it's accuracy break to shit once u try to move while firing 2. Nerf the recovery delay and recovery per second - so you can't tap fire that thing as fast as now 3. Nerf the range - make it 40m just like the atac so ppl will throw it into the trash bin immediately 4. Nerf the ttk - I guess I don't need to explain this? Pick anyone of the nerf listed above and if you want to be sure that no one ever use the ntec again, use all of them.
  9. Put Extended magazine 3 and High-Magnification Scope on it and you are good to go
  10. Bronze server ATAC kids still spray that thing down range rofl
  11. Guess I leave NA too long, does that guy plays in silver or bronze server? would like to meet him lol true, imagine a real bronze t bagging with 2-0-20 Wow ddos for win, that’s a little bit too far lol Merged. Feel free to create that thread but hey, this is not gonna hurt, good player won’t turn toxic after they read this thread. And toxic player stay toxic no matter what people says about them
  12. Because you can rarely find ops that have the same skill level as u do in apb. Destroying ppl or u get destroyed
  13. Hello! If you are new to apb and want to pick up some weapons from the armas market place, here are some suggestions for you! I only recommend buying account lifetime weapons as you can have it on every character in your account You can’t go wrong to choose weapons with 3 open slots as you can put mod freely on those weapon. However, some preset weapon on armas has perfect mod on them and with a cheaper price. Choosing them over the 3 slots version can save you some g1c and you can have a fully configured weapon on your new characters. Weapons not listed below doesn’t mean they must be bad, u can always test them out! Ok lets get into it! Assault rifles: COBR-A -Can’t be bought from npc -An assault rifle version of joker rifle -It has a slower ttk and high damage when compare with other assault rifles -It is extremely accurate and can run and gun -It may not be the best in any aspect, but it is a very good weapon for newbie FAR “Spearhead” - Can’t be bought from npc unless you’ve unlock it in pervious event (FAR Charger) - A mix of ntec and star, all round weapon -It is fun to use, but it is not a must get weapon as you have to use it just like star and ntec Atac (3 slots/ patroller) -Can’t be bought from npc -Fast firing, no recoil, hold mouse1 and w to win -As known as gay tec -Will get many whispers requesting you to uninstall -It has 57m range but due to poor precision, it is more like a close range weapon Joker cr5 (3 slots/ pr2) -It can be bought from npc -Reskin of ntec -It’s a ntec, you can’t go wrong with it -pr2 got everything you need for a ntec with a cheaper price Raptor45 - Can’t be bought from npc -It’s like a more precise atac, can be fired fully automatic down range -It has a slightly slower ttk and small magazine size (22) -idk why but not many ppl would complaint about this weapon -You really don’t need any mod on it -Condor(legendary) is a nerfed version imo Semi-auto rifle Oscar rifle -It will be unlocked at the very last stage of game(2 slot version) -Can run and gun with a very good accuracy and decent time to kill -A burst fire rifle, not newbie friendly Joker rifle “Punchline” -It can be bought from npc -Can run and gun -This preset got what you need for a joker rifle with a cheaper price Obir “Vladivostok” -It can be bought from npc -Mostly for mid-long range fight -3-round burst fire rifle, not newbie friendly but very very strong -This preset got what you need for a obir with a cheaper price Sub-machine gun VAS-C2 Trouble maker -can’t be bought from npc -very strong close range weapon with insane fast ttk -have to fire in marksmanship mode unless you are hugging your enemy -Only smg I suggest you to get from armas, or go get a pmg and put cj2/3 on it Sniper rifle Nekrova ISS-b “Dog ear” -Can’t be bought from npc -Just got a nerf on hard damage, it is less effective against vehicles now -4 shot kill auto sniper, still pretty decent weapon N-HVR 243 Scout RT1 -Can’t be bought from npc -A light sniper rifle with cj3 on it, which make it fire really slightly faster -It deals less damage than the HVR762 but it does not slow you down Pathfinder LR PR2 -Can’t be bought from npc -A light sniper rifle with hs1 and ir3 on it -You can do full damage to enemy up to 97m with this version and hs1 provide 5 degree more zoom -It deals less damage than the HVR762 but it does not slow you down Secondary (I know oca nano seems very op to new players but trust me it’s really not even close to good) Colby .45 ap -Broken as f*** -A fbw require higher skill -5 shots kill, 0.8sec ttk -Good range, good accuracy -It does more damage than Ntec-7 Ursus per shot lol -Best secondary imo although I can’t use it well lol N-FA9 “Quick draw pr1” -Other version with longer draw time can be bought from npc -Stupidly fast fire rate with insane ttk (0.63sec) -Super poor accuracy and high recoil -It melts ppl when u are hugging them -Noob friendly, just spray and pray ACT44 golden marksman pr1 -Best friend of smg/ shotgun -Solid 4 shot kill long range secondary with a hunting sight3 on it
  14. I wonder if there are a second nerf for ntec... will ppl turn to complaint about star rofl
  15. Looking for pro players that main ntec to answer following questions What is the max distance you can hit a >1 sec ttk? Would you do a full spray in close range?
  16. Vegas: 1,350 -> 1300 (HBF 1,105) Pioneer: 1,600 -> 1,350 (HBF 1,147) Espacio: 1,600 -> 1,350 (HBF 1,147) Wow Espacio is large (an easy target) and slow, and it had the nearly same hp with a vegas, will LO consider buffing it to the same speed with vegas too? lol Also, I wonder can we get a refund for the ISSR?
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