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Everything posted by MonkaS

  1. That's not true the tickrate has always been sub 30 tick(it fluctuates) and the vehicle physics bugging out was caused by either vehicle accl or vehicle top speed values being changed/bugged.
  2. The game was originally designed/balanced around a slower ttk; the map and animations all designed around slower ttk. Unless you want to speed up animations and change the map I think slowing ttk is best/better solution.
  3. Come on you've been here a while you don't remember the bronze that cheated on stream? Everyone knows bad players can and will cheat.
  4. Everyone knows SPCT means nothing its just a volunteer position why would they care? I was a SPCT and used to cheat even on OTW. Also there was an old forum mod who triggerbotted.
  5. If that's the case your ping/packet loss must've been high enough that apb's infamous 'lag compensation' kicked in where you get a lag shield, warp around/desync, and kill players with good ping behind walls.
  6. I'm pretty sure 116m is max being able to shoot people. did it change?
  7. nope render distance has been the same forever. I think you could extend it though or remove the fade out with a file edit.
  8. You guys may want to add some new content next patch either a new vehicle or the new contacts (I understand you pulled a lot of the rewards out but just cap the contacts max level lower until you can make more rewards). You should do at least one big content drop before upgrading to 2.x since that's still a ways away it'll give you guys a few months to continue bug fixing without worry of the population doing a nose dive.
  9. MonkaS

    New updates.

    see that doesn't really work since everyone goes to fightclub to level up roles quicker
  10. what problem do you encounter running from apb.exe?
  11. Cool so the latency displayed in real time isn't accurate. Its almost like they don't want us to know the servers are bad and the game still runs like poo. When are we getting /fpsdetails back?
  12. that's dumb. should've just got eac or battleye or invested more money into there own in-house anti-cheat an ai solution like this is just going to make there already toxic game more toxic.
  13. I want repeatable benchmarks where the variables are controlled and go unchanged run to run NOT an avg FPS chart.
  14. Could you guys maybe make a basic in game benchmark for 1.20 and 1.30 something that'll make it easier to compare the different builds side by side and run to run. It doesn't have to be crazy complex just a camera on a track with some premade scenes/actions.
  15. this. many br's suffer from this problem of not enough action per time invested who wants to wait minutes for seconds of action.
  16. yeah gatekeeping information has 100% always helped with balancing games /s
  17. I mean its still dumb idea a new player would have to stumble across this information somewhere on the forums since its clearly never said/seen in game. Also why choose 10m? is it actually exactly 10m? is it 10m from the gun barrel or from the player model or from the player camera? Its just not intuitive.
  18. That doesn't make sense in a game with hit-scan weapons why even have the crosshair bloom if its not going to accurately represent(past 10m you know where a large portion of game is played) where the 'bullets' land
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