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Everything posted by mynd

  1. Most people are going to have to accept that APB is not a game you play to relax and enjoy. I would like to play lazy and casually, but there's a lot of opp out there that plays very competitively. The difference of whether I play APB at any time now comes down to whether I feel like trying to keep up or just do something else.
  2. Sums it up pretty well right here. There's no threat integrity anyway; if you're not Gold, you're either new to the game/genre or you have a handicap or you play on a potato. Not trying to sound mean here, but I'm Gold, so nuff said.
  3. Yeah there's at least one name left in the void of merge limbo that I'd like. Be interesting if people unbanned actually did still have their money/JT. If so, I'm not sure why you'd want to bring attention to it. Of course people like me always want to see sweet justice done evenly and fairly. I imagine running batches to apply things to accounts has always been problematic at best, so unless they did it ALL manually, I can imagine people did slip through the cracks. How unfortunate if true.
  4. Really feel bad for people delusional enough to think that Little Orbit is capable of fixing all the game's issues in a few short months. I've been impressed with their communication and efforts. If things fail, so what, they're trying to save this game and have already shown more professionalism than G1 did in their entire reign.
  5. If you were dumb enough to get scammed in game, you deserved to be scammed in game. Most of us aren't desperate enough to get scammed.
  6. Remote det isn't terribly useful against good players with good game sense. Spotter mod working as intended, in fact, I wish they'd revert the change where players could see that they're spotted. Mobile tower complaints have some minor merits imo, but hey, satchel charges can help. I wish boom boxes could disable towers and car spawners if placed within proximity. Boom boxes literally have no viable purpose atm.
  7. Please opt to continue giving us information. I really don't want the silent treatment again :< I'm tired of miscreants ruining it for the rest of us too.
  8. OP makes a good point guys. Obviously english isn't his first language either. If LO can't properly mitigate these attacks, then it will be bad news. So far the cheater threat has been smaller, and game management SEEMS better so far, but solving these attacks is a very important piece of the puzzle if this phoenix is going to rise from the ashes.
  9. Just imagine what these dedicated ddosing nerds could accomplish if they actually tried doing something constructive with their lives. Don't blame you @MattScott, the fault doesn't lie with you or LO. We've been dealing with this for years.
  10. I'm personally tired of Win/Loss MMR style systems. They're not reasonable in team-based games, especially one as unbalanced as this one. I think matchmaking should just be thrown out the window entirely. Focus on the backup system and getting district pops back to 50/50. Backup should only be allowed if there's a reasonable difference in team scores, ie one team easily beating the other, and should probably favor attackers a bit more than defenders. In practice, that would mean that teams struggling to complete objectives and dying a lot would be allowed to call in backup. No idea is perfect, and my idea comes with issues such as being ineffective in scenarios where the time to complete a stage might be too short. It does bother me when people call backup just because they can though, even when already in an advantageous scenario.
  11. We're all traumatized by the treatment of this game; we need therapy. LO needs to bring a licensed therapist (or 20) on staff.
  12. Right now it would be nice if the servers would simply run reliably. I hated most of the scoring changes; it ruined the value of Prestige/Notoriety multipliers and significantly devalued TK and AFK demerits.
  13. Yeah I don't think headshots have a place in this game. I DO wish players were vulnerable through car windows and car tires were shootable, but I dunno, game might need a massive rework for that. As-is, a player literally BECOMES the car when they get in.
  14. I don't see a reason why gender/faction changes can't be an ARMAS service. I care less about gender changes, but faction changes are along the same vein and that would be great.
  15. There's been rumors of private cheats available to certain cliques, but no idea how true that is. Personally, I've not seen any cheaters in awhile. Also, certain "god-like" players have been less than god-like lately; I KNOW I've not gotten any better, that's for sure lol.
  16. I'd support players having full ability to customize without premium. This game's biggest selling point is the customization and, once a player is invested in their character, they're much more likely to spend money/get premium imo. Don't really feel like the limits on customization do the game any favors.
  17. I decided to just stop playing until it's resolved.
  18. The additional problems were unique to Thursday, and that was just an after thought. I didn't care to make a bug report, wasn't my main concern. Nice job white-knighting, I can see that even under new management the forums are still the same; half the time you get useful responses, the other half are the same toxic garbage. /close thread please.
  19. I'd recommend my thread, oh wait, it was moved to the Bugs section. Don't worry guys, the lag and unplayability is just a bug.
  20. I wasn't looking to make a bug report, I was commenting on the status of the servers and wondering why it feels so unplayable right now. In fact, the possible bug was just an afterthought to my original statement. I'm glad I got nothing but useless responses all around for my concern, but hey, thanks for the suggestion on how I should have made a bug report.
  21. Instead of being a putz you could drop a link if so. I certainly didn't see anything about it. #anotherqualitycookiepusspost
  22. Today APB has had exceptionally bad performance over the usual. More random disconnects and a lot of in-game stuttering/warping even though there's no reported packet loss via /fps. It's definitely been affecting everyone I've played with and talked with. Some users seem more affected than others. Theory: I've noticed the game saying I'm afk even when I'm actively engaged and playing in a mission and eventually I get disconnected. Could there be some new bug with the away + kicked for server inactivity systems?
  23. Omg were you here and Revo and... Quinzel? Did the Nyan cat Osmaw video? Obviously we couldn't get it in game, but it was still fun.
  24. You're both wrong, its 142.5m. 47.5m/s for 3 seconds. http://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Explosive_OSMAW_Slot1/
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