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Everything posted by killerskull

  1. I remember in an RTW trailer they had a skyline. Im not sure it was ingame trailer tho. People saying Mirage, maybe, I dunno. If g1 was making it with Growl then this makes the most sense since the new devs can continue from there. This thread turned into a, "your dream car you want in this game" thread. I welcome any vehicle that looks good, that has its own unique sound and is not useless like majority of the vehicles. -------------------- We are so focused on weapon balance when we should also be just as focused on vehicle balance.
  2. I agree, "dont fix what aint broke", or however the saying goes. If a weapon is broken, too weak or too strong, then sure, lets change it. But playing around with mods that no one had issues with or changing a weapons certain stats when everyone was fine with it is scary. Because finding a balance for all these weapons is hard and takes time. You change one value on a mod and it breaks or changes effect on many other weapons. I think thats the reason why I prefer if things are fine, then dont change them. Small change for a weapon or mod might require too many changes to other weapons or mods.
  3. mad scott what About the Icons we want the old Icons i think alot of People want em …..(ranking System) He said, "a lot of people" and not, "everyone wants...". So I guess that doesnt presume anyone specifically. Right?
  4. First of all this should be in suggestions thread. Second, why cant we have mods with no down sides? Have them be upgrades but with very little positive. For example, rather than being +10% damage and -20% accuracy, Id rather take only +3% damage increase.
  5. Who wants to trade with me??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Will there be a trading fee? What is there to trade? I cant think of anything. Clan stuff makes sense. Besides that, I dunno. Could this means rather than wasting 15% tax on market for a $2 mil legendary, I can just msg that player to buy his at $2 and save on tax?
  6. killerskull


    but then i wouldnt get the attention my parents never gave me :(
  7. Holy moly the F- Society dude looks like the dude. Dam. EDIT: I meant to say I was amazed at how good some of you are. You made someone from irl to ingame and made them look almost the same.
  8. Report function was being abused by scrubs/garbage players, which is 90% of the player base. Which meant 103920358349636 reports coming in were false to begin with. There is a support button. You have to put in more effort if you want to report. Record a video and try to catch the snapping or whatever you are trying to get. If the dude has wall hacks go to a random place away from objective, pretend to afk and see if the hacker comes at you. There are other ways to determine different things. After you take the video, reduce it down to the good parts. Remember, support isnt gonna watch your 15 min video or you going 0-28. Send that video to support with a well written description. This way support has an easy time working on the case. So yea, dont keep the /report ingame.
  9. killerskull


    Mightve gotten an upvote or two if you posted in offtopic.
  10. Hey guys, my first ever APB commentary. I only have like, 5 or 7 other videos where I actually talked while playing. They are all about Minecraft where I talk about the city I made. So plz go ez on me. I also had to cut the video short. I could not add any comments on the video on utube. I had to shut down my pc and leave the house for a bit so I had no time to end it properly. IS the video really choppy? Dam. I think I need to edit Bandicams settings. I just did a clean install of the program so my old settings are gone.
  11. Grats! Ur op got all the reactions possible on the forum. Unless there are more hidden away only mods have access to
  12. I gave you a +1 on the title alone. Huge and kisses from my OSMAW. If I had one. If they were permanent. Purchasable.
  13. if you are part of the 4 man only good people in wasp. You should know how broken it is. I guess your none of them. oww dam, roasted to a crisp.
  14. The ddoss wont jump from apb to my pc right? Is there a permanent solution to this? With so many dev replies and threads its gonna take a bit for me to find the thread. I think Matt posted
  15. Im very disappointed in support. Is there an order on which tickets get priority? On June 3rd or so I made a support ticket on how the game DIDNT RUN AT ALL. As in, I couldnt even play apb. Till now, no response. Its a joke really. Did I choose a wrong section from the menu on what the issue is related to? Surely people having $ issues on marketplace and people who are having game issues should take priority over people who were banned right? I was never banned yet I cant play the game after Orbit took over, what did I do be thrown under all the banned people spamming support? I gave up and was frustrated until finally a new patch was released with battleeye. After that, the game started to run. Had there been no patch, I dont know, Id be hating LO right now.
  16. The only thing this thread is missing is a poll.
  17. 8/10 I like the colours, its white but the red stands out and isnt bleached away.
  18. I hate that devilfag contact. Ive hardly played crim so I dunno all the contacts on that side, but so far hes the worst. They tried too hard to make him hip. Hes a high lvl contact so why the hell is he telling me to take cover behind cars in open space and me being an easy target. What were the devs thinking?
  19. Isnt there already a nice sized suggestion thread on this topic? Collision is good, it makes the city alive and real. So you need to be more creative with a solution. Again, I suggest yall read that suggestions thread.
  20. I guess in extreme cases, make a video if someone is repeatedly TKing you. Just help support out and tell them at which parts of your video they should look at. No one is gonna look at your entire 15 min mission.
  21. Like every one who regurgitated and threw up in the next posters mouth just to repeat again, disable chat and whatever and ur good. The thing is, sometimes players get so frikkin toxic that they will tk u and then tea bag you. Even tho ur ignoring them and not doing chat or voip, the still come after you, visually I guess rather than text or audio. But that is a rare case.
  22. just like everything about me aww dont take it that negatively
  23. umm, yea. Theres nothing that looks good about it. Its just, meh.
  24. oh shat, you are right, I was mixing the names. Now I have to google pdw cause I dont remember.
  25. What? pdw is the free secondary you get. afaik it was never automatic. I know I found out years later that nfas was full auto but Im not that slow.
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