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Everything posted by Westford

  1. I always wondered about the custom crosshair. I have to assume that with a custom crosshair, that you would not experience any (in-game) crosshair bloom when firing. That would be great. I would no longer have to deal with the "in-game mechanics that expands the crosshair between shots, and I can actuality stay aimed on target. Or is this a misunderstanding ?
  2. Good to know. Looking forward in participating.
  3. Thanks @Sakebee. The section for Bug reporting does not allow for the uploading of files. So any client side log files will not be needed ? (this would be more relevant to client side crashes to Desktop) Thanks
  4. Great news. Hopefully a lot of players will hop on and test the new engine. I'm assuming that your team will have all of the appropriate monitoring tools on the server end, to record any server issues, anomalies, performance metrics and what not. Is there anything specifically the playerbase can do regarding client side issues, crashes. errors, or in game bugs ? Are you expecting players to submit Bug Reports, and any relevant log files as part of these public Beta tests ? If so, is there a process that we should follow, or use the current Support Web site, specifying that this is the "Beta" instance ? I'm assuming the more bug reporting the better. Thank you
  5. Ya see. I knew the population would start to increase. We just need to give it 1 or 2 more weeks, and the pop will come back. Just have to be patient. Life is good.
  6. After playing this game for a number of years, my experience has been, that after switching to a new Anti Cheat, there is a drop in population. It is anyone's guess as to why. Players had decided to play another game (/shrug) Players were banned (they will be missed) Players decided to lay low as they test "throw-away" accounts Players are waiting to hear if the "coast is clear", with the appropriate settings of course I am confident that the population will come back to the same levels as it was prior to the switch to BE, and some highly skilled players will be back to challenge us all. Life is good.
  7. From what I see, N5/P5 still showing up in district, (not sure about the map view), and as confusing as this change has been, I faltered to my lesser instincts and have been attacking ALL N5's through out the districts. In mission or not. My sirens blaring as I chase down the nefarious N5 scrub. I may not be able to shoot them, but I will do what I can to remove that "Badge of Honor" from their tag. God bless you.
  8. Minimizing your playtime will result in less exposure to nefarious players. I play once a month now .. and could never be happier. Thank you LO ..
  9. Hahaa,,, I'm with you on this one bro .. lol. They do not exist ...
  10. It may be option 3... You don't play the game as much. Hell, that's my excuse. My play time has dropped quite dramatically over the last 6-8 months, and the 1st thing I noticed is "Hey,,, I don't see as many cheaters as I used to" Oh the irony ,,, I reduced my play time to improve my gametime. Welp ....
  11. Why only old players stick around? "Can't teach an old dog new tricks ?" I've been playing since the summer of 2011. Back then I was playing with a group of friends I made in game. We had a clan of about 6-8 of us, and had a great time for a few years. Missions with voice comms was great. Then the all left. Too many cheaters they said. I stuck around just cause I liked the game, and I figured I could still enjoy the gun shooting aspect, less the competitiveness and questionable players, by sticking with Fight Club. Questionable players in FC was less of an issue for me than missions. I also like going into Mission Districts just to drive around. Great fun racing at high speeds avoiding traffic and what not. Waterfront is probably my favorite, and there is always some commotion/cluster f*ck going on at the Double B gas station. As an Enforcer, I also chase down runaway garbage trucks that are wreaking havoc in an attempt to pull them over. It gets pretty intense when 4 or 5 more enforcers are chasing after the garbage truck, sirens blaring, cars are being plowed through. It's all good fun.
  12. I think this is a great option, to try a weapon, vehicle .. whatever for free. for 30min. I would like to see this "TRY FOR FREE" option extended to at least, a 24h period. WHY ? In the case of weapons, the clock starts ticking, when you click the link. Logged in, was gonna head to FC to take full advantage of my 30min evaluation period. FC was full. OK, I'll do some missions.. and waited , a few times, before missions started. I was able to get a sense of the weapon I am thinking of purchasing, but was disappointed in the total allotted time for a 30min evaluation which amounted to maybe 13min. I suppose I could pony up some G1C for a full 30 day evaluation.... I just hate playing patty-cake, and would like an opportunity to fully evaluate the weapon/vehicle of interest, before I make a financial commitment. Am I wrong ?
  13. Hmm, an interesting point. This, I did not know. Things have changed, and I need to take note. Thank you. This is helpful. If only this little "tid-bit" was shared with us all. I was not aware of this. Documentation, Patch Notes , I should have read. It escaped me. Thanks for clarifying.
  14. If the N5/P5 Icon would NOT appear, that would be helpful. In these instances, they do appear, so , not very helpful. These players have the "Appearance of N5/P5" as it has always been. The only difference is, they take no damage. Confusing ... ? Yeah... Not true ... All players look at the N5/P5 Tag first, Player name second., We are playing the same game ? Yes ?
  15. I did not see any yellow. I saw the N5 ICON above the player. Was I vulnerable to be shot ? I do not know, and I did not wait to find out. I fired upon them, with wasted effort. THIS is the problem. There is no way of knowing, until after firing multiple rounds.
  16. They may not be able to interfere with a mission, but they sure do show up with the N5/P5 Icon. That's why , while in mission , I stopped and unloaded a hail of bullets. He was not in my mission. Wasted breath, and time. I had no way of knowing.
  17. I was in a mission. Spotted an N5... I fired many bullets at the player. He was not in my mission. How was I to know ?
  18. Well, to be honest,, there was none. I had to assume, or face grave consequences. That is the challenge that we face,
  19. You're right. It is a free game, for some. Although transparency regarding changes might be considered "too much to ask", I would surely like to know how these new changes work. I understand, I was asking for too much, and I need to step back. Thank you for speaking reason, where I had shown none.
  20. Great .. Absolutely great... Working as intended. I am in a mission, I spot an N5 Crim, he is most obviously in my mission as I unleash a hail of bullets upon him. But... he's not in my mission, or any mission for all I know. Wonderful. Great... Little Orbit... You "screwed the pooch" on this one. Fair enough ? How the hell we suppose to know ?
  21. I always attempt to /abandonmission as soon as humanly possible. Whether my Teammates are lowly Bronze , questionable Silvers or godly Golds. I'm gone. No, it does not leave me much after that. But still fighting the "good fight"...
  22. I envision the following scenario; Bounties across the map, some in mission, some not. Players out of mission start to ignore all bounties, as their experience has been they can no longer interact with them. (Shoot them) An out of mission bounty starts shooting and killing all nearby players, because players have ignored them. This would be a big help. Makes sense.
  23. This is what's confusing for me. There may be some bounties that are not in mission, but the only indicator of this that I am aware of, is to shoot them. If they are out of mission they will take damage, if they are in mission, they won't. Seems kind of wonky, or is this a bug ? Shouldn't there be some indicator to determine if the bounty is in mission vs not in mission ?
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