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Everything posted by porcupine_omg

  1. just torrent premiere you big doodoo head
  2. coyboy daddy can lasso me up and plow me with his mayonnaise canon all day
  3. Since you don't have a budget, I recommend the Sennheiser HE 1 Headphone + Amp combo due to its excellent sound stage (great for gaming) and top in class sound quality. For microphones, I recommend the Sony C-800G PAC combined with the ANTELOPE AUDIO GOLIATH HYBRID AUDIO INTERFACE (works well with multiple audio input devices such as other speakers for example, or another pair of headphones and provides an ultra low noise floor while capable of powering the most demanding devices) for extreme clarity so you can be sure your team mates can hear you perfectly at the highest fidelity. All of this should provide a simple and cheap, yet effective audio setup for gaming for only ~$65,000.
  4. ok, humans are animals right? so cant my fursona just be myself?
  5. As many would suggest, buying multiple summer homes across Europe should solve your problem. Just move in between and hire house sitters when you're not using a house. Many others and I did the same thing when Colby was relocated.
  6. Please refrain from using foreign language, this is an English speaking forum only, "Hello" is the proper greeting, message support.
  7. If they remove the bolt timer on scout i will follow your advise theres no bolts in this game
  8. your mom said the same about your dad im calling the police
  9. The Mazda 6 Signature and the 2018 CX9 and 2018 CX5 beat out their competitors easily and anyone who disagrees needs to be banned and put on the sex offender registry list IMMEDIATELY
  10. is it a good idea to make ramen with bong water, i ran out of water
  11. buff the strife in that, its a 1 shot kill, but if the user misses, theyre ip banned for 5 days
  12. call it, 100 pecans on the sidewalk™
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