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Everything posted by Deadliest

  1. Not enough players, so no one wins, will lead to endless no opposition for pre-made groups, it only hurts the players that plays with friends and you want to force them to solo in order for them to play a match? or they would quit and play a game that has actual co-op / squad.
  2. Oh please no one here wants to farm bronze, only you a max rank silver begging for segregation back, so you could farm newbies and wanting to avoid going against veteran golds as you makes excuses as they are all cheaters. Truth is anyone would be able to beat you without cheats just face facts, you are bad at the game and there’s no way LO can compensate you, by making the game easy when you already in a disadvantage and a handicap player with more than 1000+ hours game time. is it my fault? There is more bronze players in the district or who I go up against. I am just a player in the game just like you who has no control who you go up against. All you do is make assumptions, I don’t even have my own local server to play on, you don’t see us with 200ping complaining. They even merge HAN to NA and the population on NA is dead during night time. So the segregation has to be made for NA as it’s more appealing for players to play in one district where it has 30|30+ than 10/10.
  3. We all believe you type rubbish and a noob random troll. You are begging to have segregation back so you could have a much easy matchmaking against newer players. What are you a max rank silver? With or without segregation I don’t think it makes any differences as new players get sh*t stomp all the time by higher ranks and everyone knows this when they first started. Those who do continue to play usually the ones that can beat de-threaters and end up being Gold in a short amount of playtime. At least on NA there is a bit of population to play on.
  4. Did you not know apb is cursed anyone who work on it gave them misfortune.
  5. Can we have some life changing fix?For example why is there a cool down when you rent a weapon? The Down times are RNG sometimes you get 1-4min cool down upon usage and worst 8 hour cool down to be able to use the weapon! Wtf.
  6. ??? $5 monthly sub fee to play a game that has 400 population, 10 year old decade engine with rarely any new major content in game? this is not World of warcraft or final fantasy. What a scam It's not going to stop cheaters nor it will boost it's population, if cheaters can pay private cheats sub monthly, then that $5 is nothing to them.
  7. have never used an aimbot though I do believe what you saying as I’ve encounter similar cases of it happening, terrible luck on those cheaters .
  8. The rule of thumb is, if you a face a cheater, its better to keep it to yourself and not let them know, you know the player is cheating, so you have a bit of advantage to play cautiously, but shamed them when they lose. Also good practice to try to out aim an aim-botter, there is a chance they can screw up with the toggle key which I have seen previous cheaters I've encounter. Though Its rare to see players that have integrity these days. Like on Colby NA west server, if you were cheating or pretending to be legit facing a certain known clan or a certain player they shamed you to the point everyone would dislike you in-game and everyone would know you are cheating. These players cannot be fooled by closet cheaters and can distinguished someone who's legitimate good or a fraud cheater by game-play without falsely accusations. Whereas these days for example I once saw players being fooled in believing this Australian player 300ms+ streaming on EU talking about how his going to play in the next tournament for APB? with his 300 ping which is already sus, boost he has beaten everyone on NA like is this a joke? the tournament for apb is already cringe but F*K he was serious, smooth aim everyone on asylum even with poor bit rate setting it was clear as day, so what a joke either the current apb players don't care or easily being persuaded and fooled by lies from cunning cheaters. Truth be told even on Han server there were a bit of cheaters, hell one time some German cheater played on Han whispered me he was going to hunt me down but I was well aware he was a cheater and from Germany without him knowing or faced me before. See when the cheater whispered me the things he wants to do to me, but when it comes right down in doing it, he failed miserably, because I assessed the situation the german 350ms bad aim-bot was already in a disadvantage against my 120ms and I take out an OCA to favour me and when I executed that planned I nailed it every-time and that cheater had the audacity to called me a cheater and to video post it, which I did, never heard from him ever again and he was later banned So it proves even if APB has low population people still cheat, It doesn't surprise me if cheaters are currently cheating today, past month I saw a few playing in fight club and guess what I already know who they are from first sight previous known closet cheaters that were banned constantly, guess they keep buying new accounts. hell I've just open a twitch stream and there is already a guy cheating with smooth aim Name and Shame removed ~@mayii LOL lost while using cheats too. See either the game is so dead that no one cares or EU has a trend of cheaters or EU cheaters are similar to Chinese cheaters who are encouraging to cheat on video games. Whoever says report a cheater with video evidence to customer support works? because it's bull dust and good luck with that because they don't even bother to investigate and I can prove that, out of my curiosity several months ago I reported a known closet cheater on NA with video highlighting multiple clips of blatant cheating which should 100% lead to a manual banned for cheating *no investigation needed. But guess what months later I log on play fight club saw the same player but without cheats? (cheat sub ran out obviously) So either my ticket wasn't investigated yet? or they were relying on their Battle Eye to detect these private cheats which already undetected in order to warrant a banned? So it means customer support is poorly incompetent when dealing with cheaters and by me saying this, I predict there may be a increase of cheaters or legitimate players willing to cheat due to being confident on these private cheat subs. My advice for active players who find facing cheaters a nuisance there's no point even playing let the cringy 2-bit trash cheaters play this game, either they get banned or their cheat sub will run out eventually.
  9. Being good includes being able to identify cheaters.
  10. no one is going to hack you, unless there’s some database leaked. Just don’t share account info or download anything suspicious and you be fine. I haven’t change my password over the years or email. Never been hacked, that includes every game account own.
  11. Deadliest


    There are players who remove particle effects and fire, due to stutter lag or fps issues, though it be a cool addition utility grenade to have and a cool down would help reduce these grenades being spammed around 60 secs after thrown. In csgo the incendiary/Molotov, the fire disappears after roughly 7 seconds, and smoke grenades last for 18secs, maybe with a bit of balance it may work on apb, but realistically the current APB engine I don't think they would be able to implement this, nor I have faith on the new engine.. they can only implement EMP grenades. LOL
  12. Half of the population of NA cheating? I find that hard to believe giving the fact that NA is all time low, probably 1-4 cheating? Though I believe that half of the player base on NA is just better than you legitimately. lag botters? Are they speed hacking or what? It’s like people who play this game daily are uneducated about latency, network server lag and apb reloaded server sync problems or maybe it’s on your end. What’s next there’s health hacks too? You wonder why staffs are not banning them because they are not cheating!
  13. Deadliest

    New Crosshairs

    Sorry these crosshairs are too big I prefer a dot
  14. Are you serious you planning on farming 50,000 Jts for 5 characters?
  15. There are players that dedicated their time into the game, some play 24/7. Merged. That’s no different to someone who accusing a player of cheating and then to proceed on team killing and harassing.
  16. TF2 servers are run by admins they have the power to banned players off their server, regardless if they are not cheating. the players now on apb probably has at least 10,000 hours.
  17. reskin oscar, lets go an-94
  18. that will be ridiculous should had been a reskin of AAEPD, the akimbo SMG is going to be OP, its like you have an ultimate special ability skill when activated.
  19. I’m happy to look at them if that makes you feel better
  20. As a player who played a lot of fight club, I never had an issued being killed by explosive weapons. Just use pmg, oca, jg easy frag in asylum. I understand it may be annoying for others, who plays in asylum regularly even if the voters do agree, it’s not going to happen. You need to re-consider those who do use explosive weapons and stop being selfish fight club is for everyone, it’s not for a certain type of players on how they play, if they have fun using explosive weapons let it be. asylum map barely gives you 100+fps when it’s full it’s already a terrible experience to play on, just play call of duty literally the same experience but better.
  21. I get it now, no wonder you wanted to be a gm so desperately, went so far to being the best GM pretender of all time. if you wanted to be a gm that badly why don't you apply for an application it's open.
  22. Yea you just want threat segregation back so you could get easy opposition and face bronze newbies, you are selfish like the ones who de-threat. How long have you been playing? You must be a veteran by now. If you find apb reloaded too hard find a game that’s easy for you. Be grateful there’s population on NA, my advice play during its peak time, and when the population goes down, the Americans are sleeping. There are players out there who like apb and would like to have their own servers (Asia, Oceania etc) and now force to play on 160-200ms + due to server merge, many of the Han player-base is now extinct. The players couldn’t even play on NA now because different timezone, when Americans are sleeping that's when these players play, now its been all time low who wants to login during a 10/10 district. There might be a few players who have to play on EU with 220-300ms, just for decent population in comparison to Han or NA server, I don’t see any complaint from them. I assume you are from America with low latency, stop complaining you have every given chance to enjoy the game, with little no disadvantage. It’s not LO’s fault, there may be more golds available playing or willing to progress in improving and getting better in comparison to those casuals. APB is a decade old, when games don’t progress or update, it hardly attracts new players, if they even try 80% would uninstalled. There's the veterans who have everything unlock will always stick around and come back playing. Old games like quake live which hardly gets any new players now or able to maintain them due to them going up against 20+ year veterans who aim like gods, no matchmaking and only servers with same players with somewhat mid-high ELO. No casual shooter player will touch that game or even players who have somewhat decent aim on other games. your best bet is to play call of duty vanguard there’s console players they are easy to frag on pc.
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