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Everything posted by DedGaem

  1. DedGaem

    RIP jericho

    Some people were not legit banned. I'm sure they got all their stuff back. those who were granted a merciful amnesty after being legit banned were stripped.
  2. Download the APB test server... you get EVERY item, EVERY skin, EVERY pack, weapon, legendary for FREE to try on Test... and OMG was it a blast. I know it's not the same and prices should be more reasohnable and lowered, esp adjusted for pooer countries... but wow did I have fun trying stuff out on test server.
  3. After downloading the test server and getting free everything... I want LO to give me it ALL... was like christmas opening those mails!~ Just imagine if everyone had access to everything, so long as they maintained premium. Almost everyone would buy premium ;D
  4. Xenophobic... you do realize that America is a racial and cultural melting pot don't you? I mean we have Brazilian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, Dominican Republic Americans, Greek Americans, Italian Americans, African Americans, etc. The point being however, that Americans who play from American which is the richest country in the world and whose server, Jericho at least is hosted in the USA should have better ping and better computers and better internet than players logging on from as far away as Brazil... and that simply in order to play competitively, there have been a lot of sketchy Br players. Yes I saw a few... very few Br players. They were playing very badly I might add.... nothing at all like the powerhouse that Br team was playing yesterday before Battleye. I would say that the district chat has changed dramatically, as in zero Portugese written, zero boasting against Americans... and as I say a precipitous decline in Brazilian presence... no doubt about that. In a perfect world, a computer program might be written to fairly compensate players from other continents on the planet to enable them to play without the bad ping and micro adjust their settings to equivalency... but that technology hasn't been developed yet.
  5. DedGaem

    RIP jericho

    They're mad cos their accounts were stripped of their ill-gotten gains. they waited in anticipation for accounts with millions of in-game cash and several legendaries... to find a banace of $0.00 and a stock star.
  6. Uhm, first thing I noticed was no more Brazilians... if that's any standard of measure.
  7. Just for the sake of argument... maybe he was stealing YOUR themes, and then accusing you of stealing HIS themes... to get you all hot and flustered... and well, posting a drama thread.
  8. I was rather amazing, I must say, logging into Jericho server after the patch. First thing I noticed was how quiet and calm the district chat was. Then after a few missions, it struck me like a lightning bolt.... ... ... ... ... After the Battle Eye patch... almost all the Brazilian players... were gone. Wonder what they are doing today.
  9. While the truth is quite a few Br (and Ru) players were sketchy and probably cheating, the new anticheat will fix that. This game needs players... and we CAN all just get along. APB's rainbow coalition.
  10. ^This. It's fair to strip recently unbanned accounts, which I assume will operate as already flagged and so keep the users clean... but to remove any in-game reward permanently destroys all incentive for playing the game, and constitutes a continual punishment and stigma. The purpose of unbanning accounts was to give players a new chance under a new anticheat system, not continually punish them. This way the very large banned population has a chance to be welcomed back to INVEST in the game... which no one will do with a "dud" account. Come on, either we trust the new anticheat and GM system or why bother? Who's going to buy premium or items on an account which can't fully play the game? Be business smart LO, yes the community hates cheaters, but truth be told thecommmunity often behaved WORSE than the cheaters by heaping abuse on them. WHY? Because the game was mismanaged for a very long time, there are no innocents here... Sadly cheaters made up a large portion of the population and if we don't welcome them back... under supervision... they WONT come back, and this game is a long ways from attracting any NEW players, unfortunately. I support a general AMNESTY.... because without it, your game population will die.
  11. MikeHell is it really you? District chat after one of them rants...
  12. Keep dumptrucks, the holy shyt revenge of bronze nerdlets!~
  13. IMHO, the toxicity was caused by a few factors... 1. no clientside anticheat. 2. Very poor FF mgmt. 3. Ban announcements and twitter feed sent to a private website for horrible abuses of those banned. And last but most importantly, the toxicity was a long term outgrowth of the gaming mismanagement and abuses it fostered, and the poor quality anticheat which didn't even seem to ban except months later creating endemic problems. If LO stiicks to their game plan, hires a few in-game GMs, manages BE with intelligence and fairness... I don't think the factors causing the toxicity will be so bad. Basically the whole APB playerbase was depressed and in a bit of rage over the negligence and abandonment of the game. This is no longer the case and there's a lot of reason for optimism.
  14. There has to be a district where golds can play. But when for example golds ONLY want to play against bronzes... the bronzes disappear and Dethreating becomes a thing. The game is broken already. You cannot stop the cheaters. You can't. In a perfect world, but not here. So whatcha gonna do? Ban everybody? G1 already tried. What did it accomplish? a vanishing population. If the threat level gets attuned to the cheats. HEY, we've got our purgatory district huh? Now... I don't have to play on that one do I. So if there are more cheaters driving up the "threat level" then ordinary weak players... it's just reflecting the state of the game isn't it. But you and I know that will never happen because there aren't that many cheaters relative to the average playerbase. So your point is? If 100 cheaters raise the threat, where do the 10 bronzes play? Well, I say create a new little bronze district. If it gets flooded with cheaters... then find a new game cos... really, there's no where else to go if everyone in APB is cheating huh? But should, for example, 10 bronzes throw out and perma ban 100 so-called cheaters? Economically it doesn't work either. truth is, most of those presumed illegits ARE legit. they just are congregated in a weaker zone, where they do not belong, unless they tone down their game to stop griefing the district.
  15. Also, how hard would it be to implement detection for those who *toggle and become amazing as the game is ending... over time this would be a suspicious pattern that could lead to a temp kick as well. It's just an idea, and I think a good one with a little tweaking. But ffs... perma bans are fail on so many levels. G1 did it basically hoping all those banned would buy their stuff again. isn't that idiotic? Esp when cheaters could make a lot of in-game cash and buy the best legendaries.
  16. " because they're too high above the average?" While I know this is subjective, it really is quantifiable. Basically NO ONE should have the unqualified right to ROFLsh*tstomp the general population of players. Even above cheating, this griefer mentality is what has made APB so toxic and depleted the playerbase. But in any case, a special no rules district could be created where, sure... no limits. But on ordinary servers, with ordinary players... sometimes enough is enough. Why should the best (legit) players... rack up amazing kill streaks, while the general playerbase simply racks up amazing death streaks? While theat may serve a few guys egos... it devastates the ordinary, premium paying population... pushing the game to bankruptcy. So you're complaining if you play so well you get flagged, and continue playing so amazing that eventually you get kicked for a few minutes? Because you could not continue to ROFLsh*tstomp everybody? So we're talking perspective here. I don't mean ordinary good players... I mean what essentially amounts to either superhuman or griefing play styles. Yes, deserve an immediate but temporary kick, if for nothing else, to give a breather to the rest of the playerbase.. which by this system hopefully would GROW. We need NEW trainees and bronzies... and not to have them preyed upon by the rudest, ugliest griefers ever to visit a video game. Either that or go to a higher threat district and play equals. A shawcopter, such as Goat was never playing gently though... and most assuredly never played legit. Most closets play legit and then toggle when they're losing. Honest, in my experience, this was easier to counter than the MrEpicGoat shawcopter types. But here's the thing... YOU CANT STOP THE CHEATERS. So why try? They just REROLL and come right back. Find a DIFFERENT system.
  17. Look, no one likes cheaters. But there is no possible way cheating can be stopped. Not in a FTP game where IP bans can be evaded, and new reroll accounts made endlessly and instantly. Just give up. You cannot punish them. You cannot ban them permanently. So stop trying and wasting resources and ensnaring the innocent players with settings that actually work. STOP. Permanent bans are a huge failure and have nearly destroyed this game and turned it into a vicious, ugly, hateful toxic community who can't wait to destroy more accounts. We just need a fair and instant solution. Temporary kicks for suspicious players who exceed the normal parameter settings for a district. And I don't mean someone who gets, what 15 kills or even 28 kills this one time. But someone BLATANT who far exceeds the norm repeatedly. Should get a kick because... either he's too good for school and needs to play in a higher skill district... or he's not human and is using some automation. Either way, the kicks would be that very day and not months later... so the average players get a break. And the above average players should still be beneath the radar... but those too brilliant amazing god-tier players... can get a few minutes time off. And if they are so excellent, they can create their own special platinum district or tone down their cheats, erhm... fantasticness.
  18. 1. they didnt play gently 2. as long as you didnt go full blatant Can you see the contradiction? Once we had the massive, what 16,000+ bans... the cheaters went full blatant, and closeting (playing gently) stopped being a thing.
  19. But you don't seem to get that banning cheaters doesn;t work when they can reroll, and steamroll the population making exorbitant cash to just buy the best legendaries and rinse repeat on new trainee accounts. Not only does banning FAIL to stop the hacking... it enrages the hacker population causing MORE hacking. And not only that, it greatly diminishes the population. The time I'm talking about... when APB had a &disputed* large amount of closet accounts... and big clans and talented streamers... they did not WANT to lose their hard-earned reputations or investments and thus played gently, and more often then not legit... to AVOID a ban. Well once mad bans happened, people didn't care about reputation and so it degenerated to what we have now. But in the closet days we had a game with 3 million active accounts so... yeah. We need 1. fairness, and immediate kicks force people to rethink... 1. turn off cheats (if cheating) or 2. play in a higher threat, greater skilled district (if legit but too good( and 3... it PRESERVES the population... which in APB has hemorrhaged into near extinction under G1. I don't mean *do better* as in play better. I mean *do better* as in not get KICKED. Why should golds be squashing bronzes in a bronze district? If they get kicked either they tone down their playstyle to be with friends, or they up their ante and play with equals.
  20. No. A legit player who is "too good" for the district average will CLEARLY do better in a higher skilled district, like silver or gold. As you note i mentioned by example playing too good for BRONZE. Yes and THIS will end the dethreating since, if you play too well, you get kicked.... and therefore should play in a "harder" district.
  21. Instant Temp Kicks for suspicious players for a brief cooling off is the solution!~ What LO NEEDS to do is for every suspicious player flagged... give them an immediate temp kick from game, and a 15-30 min cooling off time. if they are legit... they must be playing too good for the district average in which they entered. If they are not legit, everytime their program gets them kicked, which should be frequent enough to be comical, they might just turn the dam thing off. In any event, BANS have FAILED. Esp since they just rage reroll instantly... so immediate temp kicks are the solution. the account remains intact, so no reason to rage or even make a new account since... in a short time, you can log back in what's the point? Back in the day, where there were *disputed* a large number of closets... the game was actually good, because cheaters tried very hard to stay under the radar, and games were doable against them if you had some skill. Even if we can just return to that, we'll have our game back. It was this perma-ban witch hunt that destroyed the morale of the population, destroyed the clans, destroyed reputations of the streamers who actually were advertising the game, etc. Plus temp kicks free LO from the significant manpower and time investment of manual review process. Just bring on temp kicks for mischief. I'd much rather see someone with 17 kills in bronze get a temp kick out of mission for playing too good, and still able to log back in after a few minute, then wait months and months and perhaps a year for some blatant rager to get perma banned and reroll in 1 minute.
  22. It's a new company that has no legal obligation for the issues of the first. They did get something... they got unbanned, which under G1 would not have been possible. We don't need to burden LO with debt or obligation, we need to invest in their fresh start so our game can continue and thrive guys. Come on.
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